2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

It all became a chore - no proper celebrations after last year, no team holiday, no Medal Presentation, no All Stars Night.

The fun was gone from it.

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The fun has gone out of the whole thing… even the obsession with Dublin continuing after they’re bet … the muldoons are an odd bunch

Would the Mun chaps know how to have fun?

What fun was there for the players in the boring and constipated keep ball game they played in fairness? There was no verve or joy in it.

Dublin Football died once Denis Bastick retired

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Very true , dubs had got so used to teams just funnelling back against them that they stopped taking defenders on …

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The duds are taking this defeat very badly. It’s very unsavoury to read a few of these comments.

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That’s what Ger Brennan said, the football was being coached out of their exciting players.

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Ger is a great bit of stuff

“But I will reiterate that physicality is an important part of Gaelic football. And there could be a bandwagon now that goes to look to take that (away) - and there are too many changes in Gaelic as it is. We are too quick to respond to maybe one incident, so I just think we need to be sensible.

“And on the tackle: I think John Small is a brilliant player,” he underlined. “Mistimed tackle that significantly hurt a player. Red card should have been the outcome and the game stopped, etc. So, there are the tools there that should have been used to deal with that if it did happen.”

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The egg timer speaks volumes.

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Well I guess the best case scenario is Farrell stays on for another year, they regress even further and then it’s too big of a project to be fixed in one year for the new manager.


Dublin need to stick to “the process”.

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Took him long enough to fall, you’re being very disingenuous there

I don’t think so … I’m more disappointed the attack on dessie Farrell from within Dublin … all of a sudden dubs have lost their discipline … people have short memories . The key talking point before 2019 final was if Gough would be strong enough to call out the dubs for their Ill discipline … he duly obliged by giving Cooper the line …Gavin was the manager then …
Truth be told that all Ireland was lost by Kerry’s negativity the first day and then last year dublins easy path to final are two bonus all Ireland’s for me…


I know you are only stirring but I can never remember a defeat being taken as well in Dublin. I remember back in the noughties when Dublin were knocked out there would be an outpouring of devastation, recrimination and hopelessness in equal measures. This week there are just a lot of shrugged shoulders and “it had to end sometime” type comments. From a punditry viewpoint Pillar Caffrey is the only Dub really putting the boot in and he is an irrelevance. I don’t think Dublin will win an All Ireland for a few years and that is no harm. It was beginning to be taken for granted which should never be the case.


They had a great run. Had to end sometime


Pillar is really trying to stir it … thought he’d be looking out for his club mate Dessie ?

Pillar only looks out for one person


Who’s next in line? Paddy Christie?