2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

That was one of the worst sporting spectacles Iā€™ve ever seen and the boys are watching the highlights of it now :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Slow news day.

He wonā€™t even go to it, or watch it properly, but he might get enjoyment from ramming the board full of posts about it. Actually heā€™ll probably still be going on about Kerry and referees.


He doesnā€™t go to games.

Sure thatā€™s because Down havenā€™t been a serious county for years. If they do become one again they wonā€™t be long finding out.

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The Limerick/Kerry lads triggered again.


Mickey was right. McCann dived, nobody denied that.

AOS was on Newstalk a week or so later denying he dived without anyone saying otherwise.

Different treatments of similar incidents.

Wouldnā€™t disagree with your assessment of Down at the moment at all, but because I know you have only relatively recently taken an interest in gaelic football I just wanted to let you know how things were in the 1990s and before.
When Down do rise again playing the Down way I expect the same support as we have always enjoyed.

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Playing the Down way wonā€™t work anymore.

Impossible to watch it properly and do a hundred posts on TFK at the same time tbf

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Iā€™d say the whole country wanted Down to win in 2010

Isnā€™t it well known that there are connections between the Kerry County board and the guards/judges down there that have got Kerry footballers away scot free with off field demeanours over the past 20 years? You mentioned one particular culprit in a previous post.

Bizarre this has never been brought up.

Yip, GAA players are always getting away with offences like drink driving in Kerry.

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The fastest recorded circling of the wagons ever. The klaxon is in fine working order.


The Kerry/Limerick lads very raw at the minute.

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An email circulated to Limerick clubs this morning that there would be NO football final tickets given to clubs.
The wording is very vague but I assume they did some swaps for hurling tickets.

@Gman is right, - Time for a round robin in football.

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Holy Mary mother of Jesus. Somebody get the giant ironing board and the worldā€™s biggest iron please.