2021 All Ireland Football-Covid is a cod tyrone style

Oh ffs Conor Lane reffing on Saturday


I was talking to a few people close to the Dublin football scene over the weekend and expectations seem to be at an all time low.

Seems to be an acceptance theyā€™ll be put out of their misery on Saturday night.

Iā€™d agree. Thought it was terrible that they didnā€™t call up a few good club players or promising U20ā€™s and proceed with the fixture. A real kick in the teeth to the fringe players.

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I think Kerry will fire the bullet. Mayo arenā€™t as strong as they were previously. Thereā€™s a kick in dublin but theyā€™ll get done by the kingdom

I really hope itā€™s a Dublin v Kerry final.

It would only be fitting for the Kingdom to take over the crown.

Looks like Tyrone mightnt be able to field at all even in 2 weeks time.

I hope so. It would be cruel for mayo to beat Dublin only to lose to Kerry.


Cruel and hilarious

Kerry fired the bullet in 2019 ( drawn match), wounded Dublin had them on the ground but didnt kill them off. the tactics they employed the last 5 mins of normal time and the significant injury time were terrible. All they had to do was send a few balls into Tommy Walsh and Killian Spillane who had Dublin at 6s and 7s rather than going all defensive. I d say Dublin couldnt believe their luck

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Were they licking each otherā€™s eyeballs?

18 cases :open_mouth:

A 17 day gap is recommended between the end of isolation and resumption of normal training.

Need a few weeks for the PEDs to be untraceable.

eh?? can you expand a bit on that?

From the Indo.

But Tyrone GAA chairman Mickey Kerr has stated that a decision on whether they will be in a position to meet that new date will not be taken until the weekend because it could be in contravention of return-to-play protocols and may not be compliant with medical advice.

This uncertainty is based around an apparent ā€˜Graduated Return to Play Protocolā€™, they claim was agreed by the relevant UK Institute of Sport faculties recommending a 17-day gap between the isolation period and a resumption of normal training.

ā€œThis is about player welfare and itā€™s clear that our players will not be ready to engage in a high-intensity championship game so soon after being directly affected by this virus,ā€ said Kerr.

Should Tyrone withdraw then Monaghan should go forward to play Kerry.


Fuck Mayo out. Give us a Dubs Kerry trilogy?

In saying that though I think Tyrone would be damaging the integrity of the competition by withdrawing.

Even if we are down 20 players, there should be another 20 players in Tyrone (outside of the current squad) capable of lining out and fulfilling the fixture if it comes to it.


Do you really believe they could be in any way competitive? It would be pointless. You are up against professionally prepared teams. It would be a cricket score that would not do anyone any good. Best solution is one you stated above, Monaghan takes their place.

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Not fair on Monaghan to expect them to get the show up and running again.

Tyrone should ask Ricey and a few of the older lads kicking a bit of Junior C to step in

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