2022 Six Nations rugby championship

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You could. Doubt it would be that cheap though.

Will be loads of campsites available post the summer season. Would have been ideal go with family stay in campsite and tip off to games

Particularly big problem last few seasons with the gaa running later due to Covid. Club season in gaa will help rugby big time

Big issue in Dublin areas (this would include Bray) with big rugby schools. The likes of Blackrock, Michaels and Gerard’s would be putting a fatwa on their lads playing GAA.

Let’s just enjoy the upcoming Championship. The World Cup is about 18 months away.

Excitable chaps like @Thomas_Brady completely lost the run of himself in 2019 and got swept away in hype about Ireland going to win the World Cup. Knowledgable rugby men like @gilgamboa did try and warn him, but he wouldn’t listen. It’s understandable that they’re a little apprehensive about getting burned again.


Completely irrelevant. Has never affected Wales. More excuses.

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Club season in GAA will damage rugby more in my opinion. Your own Kanturk for example. Will be in hurling and football championship until mid September October at least. Wont be too many young lads rushing off to play rugby in my opinion.

Wrong. Of course it’s relevant.

It isn’t for any other country, claiming it’s relevant to Ireland is another weak and pathetic excuse.

How is not relevant when a team is being picked from a bunch of teams that aren’t playing well?

Of course it’s relevant.

I based my expectations on the Irish rubby press and the average rubby fan. There was bullish talk from all quarters for a good 18 months leading into the WC. If you can’t believe those who watch the game then who can you believe? The @gilgamboa 's of this world are few and far between, that’s a big problem in rubby.

Lads getting up to a bit of hi jinx in their work place with a co worker?

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Doesn’t affect Wales and in light of that it’s weak and pathetic to use it as an excuse.

Wales record isn’t great. They beat us which was bad and they’ve beaten the French in a Q/f.

We beat the French the last time we played them too.

A fair portion of the Welsh squad has regularly played abroad too at various points.

Halfpenny, Williams, roberts, priestland, north, warburton etc have all been in France or England so their club form isn’t as relevant.

The Welsh arguably had better players than Ireland between 2011 and 2019 too. That seems lost on a lot of people.

What year were they beaten when Warburton got sent off for dropping a chap on his head?

Wales wouldn’t have beaten France in the 2019 quarter final if the French second row hadn’t idiotically got himself sent off for throwing a punch. That probably balanced out Warburton getting sent off against France in 2011 semi final, which cost Wales a place in the final.

Wot da fuq

You’re not in front of the PAC lad

Big cash cow for those unions too.

Yes but not as crucial