2022 Six Nations rugby championship

That’s a pity, he seemed to generate some real excitement when first on the scene. Disappointing to see not a single Ulster player on the team suggested to start, surely population and club numbers should see them have a few lads good enough to be getting in?

Even the IRFU are putting an asterix beside that Mack Hansen chap


Two Munster fellas on the team and they both Leinster rejects.

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The Corkies can lay claim to Mack Hasnen. His mother is from Cork.

Cadbury lol

4 Blackrock Old boys, 2 Michaels, 1 Clongowes, 1 Marys, 1 Gerard’s, 1 Wesley, and 1 Andrews old boy named on the 15. 3 lads brought in from abroad and one chap who went to a non fee paying school in Ireland on the “team of us”.


I’m surprised henshaw isn’t on the bench.

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Lot of soul searching to be done as to what’s going on at schools level in the likes of Pres, CBC, Munchins, Royal Belfast Acadameical Institute and Methodist College.


10 fellas educated within a 10 miles radius of Blackrock

Steady on pal


Mayo man is the main man now. @glasagusban already has him down as a ‘hall of famer’

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Rubby is finished in Munster

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Is Conor Murray the only token Limerick man involved?

No idea of nuance of rule but he will be eligible for Tonga anyway

Notbsure how good a signing it is. Cracking player but would be v opposed to buying someone with his recent injury record allied to munster history of signing injured players

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0.2% of Irish students go to a private secondary school. 92% of the players on the Irish mens rugby team who were educated in Ireland went to a private secondary school


No, Tadhg Beirne of Richmond and Andrew Conway of Bruff.

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Does the first part include women?