2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Kilkenny are not on the same level as this Limerick team, it will take some bottle job for Limerick to loose tomorrow, thereā€™d be a serious asterisk beside the title if Kilkenny won

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No Hannon, No Finn, No full back line cover
Lynch and Hegarty no where near previous levels. Gillane to be seriously marshalled. Flannagan hasnā€™t been nearly as accurate this year. We wonā€™t be running up 30 points.


Weā€™ll hit our usual 15 wides. Kilkenny too accurate for this depleted team. No cavalry on the bench to save us.

2-28 will do us.

Iā€™d find myself nodding my head in agreement with Ursula or Michael Verneyā€™s predictions here. I just donā€™t think Kilkenny have the scoring power to derail Limerick. Theyā€™d need a similar scoreline to the 1-21 to 2-17 from the 2019 semi-final but it would take a mammoth effort to restrict this Limerick team to just 19 scores. Eddie Brennan with what could be classified as a fanciful prediction of Kilkenny scoring 3 goals and Limerick blanking but loyalties prevail.

Couple of interesting pieces in the Indo today. One delves into Aaron Gillaneā€™s winter playing soccer in the Desmond League, including his 89th winner on his debut, lobbing a keeper from the halfway against their local rivals and getting sent off against NCW. Thereā€™s a nice piece with Maurice Aylward too where he speaks about TJā€™s performance against Toome in 2007. I didnā€™t realise Aylward was coaching Ballyhale when they were relegated in 1995? Brought them back up in 97ā€™. Heā€™s still coaching into his late 70ā€™s and led St Mullins to the Carlow Senior title last season.

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Unless they cloned jj delaney, gillane wonā€™t be held

Breheny is a shrewd hurling judge (as evidenced by his seminal teams of the millennium rankings) so Iā€™m worried heā€™s tipping Kilkenny.

As bad a Kilkenny team as has reached an All Ireland final. Theyā€™ve no one to lay a glove on Gillane fairly. Limerick even with all of that are streets ahead of where Kilkenny are. Limerick always peak for the big day

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Itā€™s supposed to be pissing rain too,might limit the scoring a bit more

Nobody can lay a glove on him because heā€™s fouling the backs hurl constantly.

Forecast for Dublin tomorrow is desperate

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Heā€™d not be the first lad to do that

Advantage Kilkenny

Thereā€™s some great random shit in the Leader all week.


Limerick donā€™t lose to Kilkenny in the rain in Croke Park




Limerick didnā€™t play in any of those matches. Youā€™re rattled badly here

The Semi in the pouring rain (2014??) was one of the greatest games ever


Iā€™m reliably informed a blood sub will be called tomorrow when Nicky pulls his contact lense stunt.