2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Rain or shine, free flowing game or nit picky, absentees or not Limerick will destroy Kilkenny today, peaking again,

Incredible to think that they could have been eliminated in Munster, that’s the time to get them
Awesome team, will Hannon be at the top of the steps with Lynch? Assume Cian will make the speech

Strong coffee, a fry up, listening to Sunday miscellany All Ireland hurling final edition, reading about the game in the Sunday papers.The sense of childfull anticipation. My favourite Sunday morning of the year.


Gym session done, fry ate, can in arse pocket.

Drink it in today lads. We’ll likely never get within an asses roar of a four in a row again.


As long as JP keeps up the financial doping Limerick will be in the mix. In fairness to Tom Ryan he called it out in yesterday’s Mail.

Thanks mate. Enjoy the day


A chance at immortality beckons. Let the games begin.

If Hego can find his AIF form we will win.

There won’t be much in it coming down the stretch. KK are never buried


Dreams do come through and they will come through today, Kilkenny are not on the same level as Limerick. This Limerick team is one of the great hurling teams in History and today they will take their place

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Get a hold of yourself man!!! :face_with_peeking_eye::laughing::laughing:

But yea, I feel ya. Best day of the year. Brekkie, papers, radio, Bbq served at half time. Christmas in July.
I can’t call it. Are Limerick human? If they are there’s a chance for KK.
Best of luck to both teams. Enjoy everyone.


Carnage on the motorway I hear. I’m on the slow train from Wicklow. Packed to the gills but it’s moving at least

Have a great day and be careful in Dublin today lads.

Rotten crash at nenagh earlier on motorway. Two cars written off.

I have friends in Kildare coming up. Take a left and head for sallins. Very easy to get into croke park that way and you avoid all the traffic.

Tis awful damp but if it stays drizzly like this and doesn’t get worse, it won’t be too bad.

Some difference to last year’s game.

Rotten wet here. Came up the Galway road. Perfect.


The Tipp boys will take great pride in not appearing on that t-shirt. Davy will be hopping that beating Waterford wasn’t deemed relevant enough to make it.

That’s Davy’s grudge for the year sorted. He’ll be talking about it as motivation next season.

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They couldnt even beat a hapless Tipperary ffs

Wet rain alert in the capital.

BOL Hego

You’d see some fair driving on the motorway on a big match day. Add in terrible conditions and it’s lots of fun.