2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Lawlor was unreal, heā€™s a serious hurler.


Lawlor and Gillane have savage respect for another based on how they reacted after some big tussles. Proper sportsmanship on show

Lawlor won that, just. Big difference was the half back line totally dominant as they were in the semi when they took over. What did they do did Nash move out there

Murphy couldnā€™t get them on the back foot with the puckout against the wind. They pushed up to stop short ball


Kilkenny pulled out a man on puckouts when they were being beaten so Nash joined the half-backs on puckouts, had 4 across the line basically.

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Had Tipp bate Waterford it could have been a different year altogether. That 4 week break was key


Davy did us a good turn there in fairness.

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He did so he didšŸ¤£


Massive once we get to Croker this team just wins

There are some forumites very quiet on this thread tonight genuine lads here have given due recognition to our achievement today but theyā€™re a handful who have gone to ground, thatā€™s fine let them seethe away and when they do come back theyā€™ll try and belittle us but just know we are loving it and continue to seethe away,

On a final note KK fans are top class @Locke @the_mixer_walsh @Malarkey very gracious at the end and congratulated us wholeheartedly.


That Limerick neediness rearing itā€™s ugly head again.

Kilkenny supporters absolutely salt of the earth today. Greatness recognising Greatness. Thereā€™s a reason why they are the home of hurling, they were all class today.

Just pure class.


King CON

This guy is going to be an All Time Great. Weā€™ve known it since heā€™s been a chap, the rest of the country starting to learn now.

When Adam English and Paddy Donovan hit
their stride in about 2 years thereā€™s lads here going to permanently retire from the INTERNET


Couldnā€™t get over the Kilkenny crowd there today. Way bigger than last year. They smelled blood.

Only way yeā€™ll be stopped next year is if yere tripped up in Munster.

Best fb in the business - although the Luxembourg Galwegians nearly killed me when I said it during the LF.


We should have gone with 6 on the half forward line when Limerick had the pieces in place and started to dominate. Mightnā€™t have made an iota of difference to the outcome but it would at least have been a reaction to what Limerick were rolling into.
Thatā€™s whatā€™s killing me - our hf line was wiped out against Clare in the semi and when it started happening today we had nothing in the way of reaction or mitigation.

Dancin Peter Casey


Kiely said "we knew Kilkenny would bring fierce intensity "

Iā€™d say they absolutely relish that cause they know no team will live with them for a 70 minute physical battle


It looked like Kilkenny needed TJ to make a miraculous catch and Limerick obviously knew that too and would do anything to stop it. Kilkenny didnā€™t really have any real options when they did go short, itā€™s a tough gig to play through the lines when the opposition are ready to press right up because they know you canā€™t go long.

I still think the balance of the Kilkenny team is slightly off. John Donnelly at this point is not a workhorse midfielder and wasnā€™t a good replacement for Fogarty in midfield. And then Fogarty wasnā€™t a good replacement for Blanchfield either, Blanchfield having been KKā€™s best half-back all year long, a massive loss. I think Cillian Buckley would have been the best replacement tbh, but obviously the wedding aspect wasnā€™t ideal.

And I think that, while Mullen can get space to shoot from midfield, he was needed as a forward today. I donā€™t know whether Kilkenny have a linkman type midfielder, I know they have legs in the likes of Cian Kennyā€¦ I donā€™t rate Alan Murphy tbh, I think it was a crazy sub bringing him on, not suited for that kind of battle.

But tbh, the puckout thing into the wind. Thatā€™s not really an individual thing, thatā€™s a shape/structure thingā€¦ obviously you need individuals who can contest in the air and also win dirty ball, and a goalkeeper who can put puckouts with the right trajectory on them and make the right decisions. But itā€™s difficult for all teams, and Limerick are a lot further down the road with this group of players than Lyng is with his side. That part may improve in time. Is Murphy the best goalkeeper for that? Iā€™m not 100% sure, I think his decision-making on where to land puckouts can be questionable at timesā€¦ but then he can produce miraculous saves.

I really like Tom Phelan, he caused Byrnes serious bother in the first half particularly. But there is still a bit of a reliance on TJ as a playmaker that youā€™d be a little worried when he goes. Are the likes of Timmy Clifford & Billy Drennan going to fill the void in the next couple of years?