2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Looks like the easiest option to kill the blight.

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Itā€™s no odds at all. Iā€™d be far more keen on them rewriting the penalty rules so itā€™s the back foot has to be behind the line, and players arenā€™t worried about it.
I thought Limerick got frees a bit easier yesterday, not that it made any difference, though the 65 call was obviously wrong also.
Best team in the country won comfortably.
Itā€™d be a great championship of Limerick were good rather than great. I donā€™t think the other top counties are bad at all. They are all really good. Itā€™s just Limerick have the serendipity of size, along with everything else.
In other epochs, nobody was trying to take down a team of that stature.

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It actually got me off my chair! I thought he was through. Delightful.

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As @Spidey said, Nicky used to drive Cork mad with it.

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Impossible to ref this. Skill levels are so high, that lads can do this in a split second.

First world problemsā€¦to say the least

My thoughts also. My bestowing the title of 4 in a thRow champions upon the green machine is purely craic based really.


In the spirit of first world problems I thought ye were let down with the worst Sunday game iv ever seen

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I donā€™t agree - there should be a release and then the hand/arm goes back to strike - onus is on the player to make it clear and obvious so should be at least a couple of inches not centimetres - not the release/push we see all too often at the minute.


David Buggy. Extraordinarily good hands and touch. Was on Kilkenny Senior panel for a while.

Damien Cleere (Graigue-Ballycallan). Excellent ballplayer. But got too heavy too quick. Made a championship appearance for Kilkenny in 1996, if memory serves. But not sure he was there in 1997 and he was certainly gone by 1999 and arrival of Brian Cody.

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You cant penalise players for perfecting a ā€˜skillā€™. If the skill is the issue then that needs to be addressed.


Thatā€™s the fella . He was unreal

Sliotar just rolls off the fingers at best


Heard that too twas gas

Okay. And I have heard versions of this argument made.

The counterargument, I suppose, is that making short puckouts more difficult/more risky to execute would encourage teams to bring out more men into their half back line, because the likelihood/effectiveness of a short puckout had been diluted by the lift and strike requirement.

If the skill is executed perfectly then thereā€™s no issue

Teams already struggle massively on their own puckout with a strike from the hand, would a free-style puckout not lead to more rucks, etc, which people want to eliminate.

They are clearly throwing the ball and itā€™s being coached to underage teams across the country

But it is impossible to distinguish. Hence, you either accept it or ban it.

Imho, handpass off the hurley should be only option.

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Plus, it has brought a new dimension to goalkeeping. Long gone are the days of just hitting it as far as possible. The ability to pick out targets with such precision is a huge skill.