2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Or lads would move the ball quicker rather than playing through the lines and therefore reducing rucks? Again, with any rule change there are unknowns.

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The new handpass rule being trialled this winter seems a perfectly sensible solution, hopefully it is adopted for everyone fairly quickly.


Well, that incident is clearly a free to TJR, because WOā€™D has put in his arm.

More broadly, the development of rucks via swarm tackling is only productive if the ball can be handpassed so as to get out of close quarters. There is a reason why DĆ³nal Ɠg Cusack and Derek McGrath are so obsessed with legitimizing a de facto throw. They know the bunched middle third hurling they want is dependent on lightning handpasses/throws.

The absence of the handpass resource would lead inexorably to more direct hurling. Limerick and Tipperary have shown in recent years that stick passes are a perfectly adequate means ā€“ for a skilful hurler ā€“ of transferring the ball short distances.


@Big_Dan_Campbell made the same point quite definitively a good while back. I think yeā€™re right. It becomes very easy to bottle up a player and they have no option to get the ball away.

Of course you are entitled to that opinion ā€“ or to whatever other opinion about hurling. I would never say otherwise.

But a fact is not an opinion. If Limerick win five in a row, they become the best ever hurling team.


The free arm tackle is the problem , it makes the offload of hand pass more important as an opponent wraps you up with his arm . Two hands on the hurl when tackling would lead to more open play.


I donā€™t think a list of all Irelands in a row on its own is a measure of the greatest teams ever,

I think this Limerick team is better than Kilkenny at their best, particularly on yesterdays form, but my opinion is worthless, same as anybody, just based on having watched them play


If TJ was not allowed to take 8 steps and use an illegal hand pass then that ball is moved on and into the Kilkenny full forward line.

Dan Morrissey would win it and not be allowed to throw it, he would likely mis hit it to WOD whoā€™d mis hit also. A skilled player like DOD would then step in and take over. The way it should be. Limerick would still win easily.

It would be all very frenetic with loads of wides and quick ball movement and likely be beautiful.

Of course, if the winter trial is a disaster then Iā€™d be for scrapping this but at least give it a go.


Itā€™s also great to watch.

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Ooohhh the irony :joy: thatā€™s what you call poetic justice after the 2019 semi not that you will hear us cry about it like yourself and Hogans subsequent(deserved) red in that years final, gimp.

Impossible to do without shouldering though almost

I think theyā€™d beat them too. Iā€™d say they are more effective than better necessarily, though that may be the same thing. At present, only a full strength Clare could live with them.

The football element of emphasising the keeping of possession from kick outs is switching to hurling.

Maybe not as much emphasis on the short one, but some, more on picking out a man from distance.

Similar with Limerickā€™s short passing game and passing only when the chance appears.

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Yesterday in the situation illustrated resulted in blatant over arm throws.

Thereā€™s nothing wrong with the Brick Flick.

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True but it Puts more of an emphasis on traditional timing skills like hooking and blocking .

Kinnerk was a football man firstly. A lot of the patterns of play heā€™s introduced in hurling are straight from football


I think Clare would have been murdered yesterday


On current form of the sideline yes.

Itā€™s interesting to hear Kiely always speaking about constantly trusting the process. Good advice for life in general.

let it all out

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