2023 AI Hurling Final Limericks v KK

Youā€™re not Taylor Swift mate, a fan club on TFK is 2 people at best and I wouldnā€™t trust either of them.

You deleted them, youā€™ve literally just deleted one now,
But there are a couple that you canā€™t delete because I quoted them

Fire them up.

I wonder did you really honour our bet?

Is it 18 years since cork won one !

Oh My God Reaction GIF

Post from Jan 22 deleted today :open_mouth:

Sorry youā€™re right, 19 if they stop the drive for 5.

Did you honour your side of the bet?

I can screenshot your PM replies as well but Iā€™m not that bothered.

I told you before that I did, why do you keep asking questions Iā€™ve answered.

I paid for the bet that I won, which was a first

My replies are perfectly normal, you have my permission

Grow up you little prick.

I donā€™t believe you. Same as when I didnt believe youā€™d put up misfortunate Ukrainian people last year.

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Iā€™m very happy to ignore you, Iā€™ve tried to do that for 18 months,
But you canā€™t ignore me obviously, I want fuck all to do with you, that was a disturbing evening for me,
So, ignore, itā€™s for the best

Why did you delete a message a while ago?

I delete posts here all the time mate :rofl:

Get over yourself.

Why would you delete an 18 month old PM today?

Because I wanted to.

Enjoy your life kid ffs.

Wise move ahead of any court case. They can probably be retrieved though

Heā€™s a man of strong convictions; not a man after a string of convictions

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Look, Iā€™ve probably been hard on @backinatracksuit , but you have to put into context the time as an unvaccinated person. Myself and Trackie had a bet and we were on opposing sides.

I wish no ill will on anyone here. Still on cloud 9 over the hurlers at the weekend.

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Unvaccinated people go around threatening violence? I always said they should never have been let back into society.


Backinatracksuit is a thoroughly alright sort. Despite differences he never holds a grudge and is generous to a fault. I donā€™t understand that hatred for kk in abstract, they were good winners and good losers by and large, the odd meltdown aside. Cark are cark. Iā€™d find it difficult to support them as I really didnā€™t like the early noughties team, but to be honest, Iā€™d be glad to see Limerick beaten by anyone bar Tyrone or Armagh, just as I was glad to see kk beaten in their pomp.
I donā€™t really like dynasties in sport. I like it nip and tuck, with a level playing field. I was delighted to see Dublin beaten in the football too for this reason. And heā€™s right Iā€™d imagine. Most neutrals wanted Limerick to lose.


Wow, thanks, I appreciate those words :+1:

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Ya but it was more than that too. The game was fast and loose with everything on the line. Kilkenny were very nearly through for anther goal.

The calmness and composure the Limerick players showed to take the right option every time and then to end it with the signature long diagonal and the lay off was just perfect.

Iā€™d say kinnerk nearly passed out when it was scored.

Definitely in the top three scores in this five or six year period imo.

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