2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Manion was fair sound to flick it back to Gillane after it hit the crossbar

God. What’s to be said other than to congratulate the Limericks. Sensational for about 15 minutes and that was it. Job done. DOD got on a mountain of ball. Gillane was actually quite enough by his standards but deadly when he got it. Hayes motm for me. He’s such a good hurler for the size of him.

As for us? Where to start? I swear they’ll drive me to the mad house. Genuinely some outstanding hurling in that opening 30 minutes. I knew we had that it in us. Topped by Cathals goal which is one of the best I have seen a Galway team get.

But it seems that a fortuitous stop for our second goal chance and subsequent limerick point was enough to take the wind out of our sails completely. As @Cheasty said it soon became so generic Galway. That second half was disgraceful from our pov. Whether it was a conditioning issue a tactical one or an attitude one or all of the above . It was unacceptable. I kept waiting for something, anything to happen. If the game was still on I’d still be waiting.

Plenty of time in the months to come to digest it. But I’m bitterly disappointed in the team and that second half performance. it’s going to set us back years.


Martin Donnelly in full forward to break ball

It’s a recurring theme when teams with brittle psyches like Waterford, Galway and to a lesser extent Tipperary take on Limerick. They have the ability to slug it out with them for 25-30 minutes but when they can’t put them away they lose heart.


Hard luck, results like this are never easy after such a good start. My own opinion is Galway completely downed tools when 5/6 points behind. I felt Murphy started picking Limerick lads out at one stage with fifteen minutes to go with short puck outs, he looked almost disinterested, the work rate from the players was not at the level which is needed. In truth if
Limerick wanted it could have been a bigger score line with us missing some very easy opportunities when the bite had gone out of the game. Like anything ye will go again and be back next year.

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That game yesterday was like a window to Galway’s entire season. They blow hot and cold not even from game to game but within games. And there is a huge swing between the hot and the cold.
They were 12 points down after a poor first half v Dublin but tore back into it and I think they even lead that game going down the stretch,
They fell a few points behind Kk and Kk had their tails up but they were able to turn that game around and in the end should have seen out a win.
8 points up v a very mediocre Tipp performance and ended up clinging on at the end. And Tipp didn’t exactly turn on the after burners to claw it back.
And then yesterday. Lead 1-12 to 1-6 and playing some fantastic stuff to seeing the wheels completely come off without even a whimper being raised in the second half.
It seemed to me they just gassed out, particularly in the forwards and Limerick were able to take over from there and release their runners up the field to create havoc.

You could even throw in the Wexford game where they started so slow that against better opponents they could have been put away but again they turned it around and won handily in the end of that one.

Just a season of real patchy in game performances.


Galway yesterday were like mayo last week. They totally dominated the opening half but had no lead at half time.

Both games were essentially over five minutes into the second half.


Limerick have excellent hurlers and work effortlessly in the same direction tactics wise.

But, it’s their fitness that’s winning games imo.
There isn’t this magic hurling ability they possess, it’s the fitness to consistently overrun the opposition and run them into defeat.

It’s a simple fact that hurling alone won’t beat them, you’ll need to be fitter & stronger too.

Awesome group of athletes


Waterford 2021 case in point. The first half wides killed them.

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At least he got to swop jerseys with Gillane

Leinster Final was an odd game truth told.

Kilkenny with 55 minutes of hurling played were probably 10pts the better side imo.

With 3 minutes to play Galway should have been 4pts up and winners.

Kilkenny sucker punch them & win.

Dunno if Lyng has been building KK slowly preparation wise but today will tell as Clare are definitely a few levels above Galway looking at yesterdays result.

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Be nice if the lads could run up the total required before 4pm today.

Haven’t checked the weather yet so that could be a silly statement from me.

Darragh O’Donovan’s stats seemed very underwhelming for a MOTM playing midfield when they put them up after the match. One point, one turnover, 13 possessions even doesn’t seem like a lot. The clips they showed then didn’t really reveal anything out of the ordinary except one very important point in the first half. Maybe they had more evidence on the Sunday game last night.

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Incorrect, LK are fundamentally fucking useless according to the most knowledgeable hurling expert on this forum.

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Many of those possessions resulted in scores. There should be an assist statistic, giving its a team sport.

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They won a good few in first half, completely cleaned out thereafter

Clare May throw their hat at it if they can’t beat this Kilkenny side today.

If Michael Donoghue hadn’t gone near Dublin his star would be through the roof getting an All Ireland out of some of those Galway lads


Assists in hurling are stupid. Same with soccer. Can’t be punishing someone for a perfect pass and then the striker missing the shot

Data providers that I know for Gaelic Games use ‘significant pass’ as their thing. It’s a pass that leads directly to a shot. Doesn’t matter if it’s scored or not

‘Key pass’ or ‘chance creation’ will become bigger than assists in soccer eventually

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Was tipping Clare since the pairings were set up but I’m gonna do like an Irish politician speaking about RTÉ and do a u-turn. Kilkenny by 3

Thought Hayes was MOTM. He ran clean through Galway at times .

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