2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship


And at such a crucial time too.

That was the greatest save in hurling history

Rogers made a bolox of that free at the end, went for top spin but put no air on it. First man blocked it.

What was Rogers doing with the last free.

There were more saves in that game today than 3 years of Galway goalkeeping in championship.


Why was Rodgers even taking it. You want literally the last person you want getting the ball in the danger area to take it

I send you PM’s bro :couple_with_heart:

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With respect to the lads mentioned, they have medals.
An awful lot of brilliant hurlers never get one.

I’ve no sympathy for them. You earn an AI. They unfortunately weren’t good enough

I’m reliably informed Derek Lyng is the best looking man in Ireland

Better than Nicky’s?

No contest

You could argue that Nicky’s was more important I suppose

Thankfully most lads on here are fairly reasoned and will accept the evidence before their very eyes

It was a savage save especially when you see it in real time but if KK don’t go on to win the AI itll be forgotten about in a time.

Some days the hurling gods smile on you, other data against you.


Kilkenny are just hard bate every day

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Even though they were the architects of they’re own downfall the ref fairly rode them today

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He’s no Tom Morrissey


Hard luck auld stock. Easy say it in hindsight but the sweeper decision ultimately cost ye