2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Jesus Christ :joy:

Fair tramping to hit a girl

I already gave four.

4 clear examples of Lyons riding them?

How was there only 3 minutes of injury time at the end?duignan is KK’s biggest cheerleader and he was saying on TV there should have been at least 6…

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It is fairly clear the lad from the Clare Times is plagiarising you work @Big_Dan_Campbell or you are him :grimacing:.

If davy did what Lohan did yesterday both tactically and how he engaged the media he would be torn to shreads. Some double standards. Playing the sweeper, refusing to do a pre match interview and what he said afterwards. In fairness davy would be slated for such a short post match interview as it would less than 60 seconds after the ers, ams and er and ams.



I think Lohan has done a really good job with Clare and I’d say he’s a fella you’d die for, but a friend was involved in the setup for a while and described him as absolutely pig ignorant. I’d say a small bit more calmness around him would go a long way


I told my Mrs we had a window between end of league and start of championship.

This All Ireland weekend will be the second time I’ve had a wedding on the weekend of All Ireland. 08 in Madrid. 23 in Valentia Island. Both Limerick brides.

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Peter Casey
Graeme Mulcahy

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Another managerial masterclass from Lohan.

If they brought on a couple of the lads flaking in the terrace they’d have had more gumption than Conlon did. The hardest tackle Tony Kelly put in all day was on Colm Lyons. If the decision making isn’t wrestled away from Lohan next year you’d fear for Clare. Starting unfit players, tactics that make Davy Fitz look like Paul Kinnerk. Too slow to take off ‘big names’ and bawling like an ass at referees. There will be a lot of regret in Clare when the Lohan tinted glasses eventually come off. The lack of finesse and cuteness on the sideline is costing Clare dearly. The after game interviews are just the drippy icing on the Lohan stale cake.


We finds it very hard to get the small decisions so we do


That’s what I said. Why do you make such inane repetitive posts instead of reading what’s there and responding to it?

I asked you to outline how Lyons rode Clare. Whenever your ready….

My sister is going to the wedding and she told me how it came about, I can’t remember all the details but the gist is that they asked the KK county board for the date of the All Ireland and were given last year’s date or the corresponding weekend this year.
Apparently, they’d already lost a deposit over rescheduling because of Covid and didn’t want to cancel again and lose more.
Personally, I’d have fired off an email to Croke Park to double check but anyway

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Sure with replays and everything you’d imagine you’d be giving plenty room, just in case like

On the subject of replays I was told by someone yesterday that the All Ireland finals are to go to extra time this year if level and not straight to a replay. Any idea if this is true?

cc @carryharry

You asked for examples. I’ve given four. Would you like me to move my finger under the words while you read them slowly also?