2023 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Hego’s first touch is outrageous.

I wouldn’t see it as a surprise that he’d be somebody’s favourite player. He combines huge skill with ballwinning ability, work rate as well as standing up in big moments. That makes him stand out from the crowd.

I would say my favourite non-Limerick player to watch is Daithi Burke. A warrior. His striking wouldn’t always be the best but he’s some player.

His first touch has been brutal this year from what Ive seen, maybe so in the past.

Whilst on the topic, Lynch and Byrnes are also more skilful.

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The facts suggest otherwise, see goals in 2021 AIF and 2022 MF


They were scored from about 10 yards out. Tbf to him, he is very good at using the side spin drop shot off his right to make up for this inadequacy.

Ye Tipp lads are obsessed with striking as if it’s the only skill in the game.

Ronan Lynch is nowhere near as skilful as Hego; that’s actually a laughable comment. Go watch Limerick train and see the speed of Hego’s hurling; it’s way beyond most of those other players you mention.

Lynch, Hannon, Nash, DOD- maybe fair enough. But, as of now, he’s still way beyond the likes of SOB and the other subs.


Of course we are obsessed with striking, that is the primary skill in the game. I accept your point it is this view that is probably doing more damage than good in the current game. This may turn again.

Aesthetically speaking, he is not a player I would go to watch. English, CON & even SOB are far more easy on the eye.

I would always say that first touch is the most important; the ability to get the ball into your hand first time- high, low, off the hurley, straight into your hand, whatever.

Without that ability, you can have the sweetest strike in the world but you won’t actually puck any ball because you need other people to give you handy ball all the time.

We’ve fellas on our Junior B team who are lovely strikers of the ball but aren’t worth a fuck in a real match because that’s literally all they can do. Maybe we could stand them in goal but even then, under a dropping ball, you’d be fearful.

Obviously you need a combination of skill to make it at the highest level. Not that Hego’s striking is bad; his long range striking off his right is very very accurate. If he has a fault, it’d be his short striking in tight spaces.

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fixed that for you


Exhibit A

Exhibit B

I rest my case you Lord

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Ah lads, he could only find the same Clip twice :joy:

@peddlerscross :joy:


Fuck it lads , I fear for some of the tipp lads mental health over the winter if Limerick win it again…it an obsession for a few

Never underestimate the self-regard of your average Tippo.

Declan Hannon was seen mini-golfing in Jurassic Par, on the Ballysimon Road, with no noticeable limp and is expected to feature Saturday.


What in the sweet fuck did this lad think he was saying? :face_with_peeking_eye:
@balbec would want to whip these lads into line sharpish


The battle between himself and Jason Flynn will be the winning and losing of the game.


We are very close to the Limerick’s describing WOD as a stickman.


The frontliners aren’t to be trusted by the general

Ah no all us Limericks know that poor auld WOD wouldnt be half the stickman of say Alan Tynan.
How is Alan, is he still living off the glory of goading Will in a league game?

Alan Tynan is a poor sticksman.

Whats a sticksman? Alan was in line for an Allstar according to lads here for goading Will and then pucking a few balls against Cork.