2023 All Ireland Senior Football Championship

The greats do their talking on the field.

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Shur look cluxton won fuckall allstars for what he did. He was only ever selected if fellas felt bad because they thought it would come out.

Tis like the playboy of the western World. Tis grand until you are confronted by the actual reality of it

Sure one year they gave the all star to a mayo lad who was dropped by mayo for an all ireland final.

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A nice rational post.

I think the trial by social media thing is a red herring though. Itā€™s not like this stemmed from rumours from anonymous sources on social media which is often the case.

It was a litany of very specific allegations made by the victim under her own name. It was supported (on social media unfortunately) by a few people. Ironically the post that has led some to change their mind on the situation also emerged on social media.

But the signs were very obvious from yesterday. The lack of denial is stark. Nobody is required to defend themselves from allegations on social media and it would be a horrible thing to have to do if it wasnā€™t true. But just come out and do that. He stopped miles short of that expected line and so people drew inference from that.

I saw posts on Thursday from people who claimed to witness the Clones incident. Again social media posts but with the specific allegations, the corroboration from other randomers and the lack of a denial - it all added up.

Finally, there are many cases where we need to pass judgement on someone outside of a court case. If he was being prosecuted for these allegations would it still be defensible to say he should still be in the job? Still only accusations but in that case itā€™s trial by police. But violence against women in particular has such a low prosecution rate (and we know lots of reasons why) that there is an onus on people to make judgements outside the courts. Our former MMA hero quacked like a duck as you say.

Bit of a ramble there but I guess the core point is the medium wasnā€™t too important here. Just as something on The Ditch can be true despite some concerns about the publication, so can something on Facebook. In fact one might say this is a very positive example of social media in operation.


Iā€™m not going to get into a back and forth on this but this is an odd accusation. I had 3 or 4 posts on this. I do sometimes dream of a less confrontational TFK. I donā€™t have time to respond to all your posts and it wouldnā€™t make for a healthy conversation if I did. You had an opinion. I didnā€™t agree with it. Donā€™t be so needy to expect a thesis from everyone who felt you were wrong.

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Well thatā€™s that then.

Would imagine it will be the Gardai that have to investigate. The very public incidents she referenced both took place in the south. Iā€™d say heā€™s absolutely fucked now and deserves everything that comes his way.

Well of course it is.

Before that there were allegations and rebuttals. Now we have an independent party who has came out and supported one party and given it credibility.

Would you be comfortable if people judged things solely on their bias? I havenā€™t seen any horrible takes on it here, plenty were quick to jump the gun and it looks like they were right but the bottom line is thatā€™s itā€™s a dangerous precedent to set if you donā€™t have an inside line or first hand information.

That the local community, her friends and family were aware of this and did nothing is the most unsettling thing of the lot for me. Monsters will always live among us but the fact nobody was willing to do anything about it when seemingly everyone knew or had an idea about.

I hope she is able to get some sort of stability and happiness and able to win her kids back and Gallagher faces the consequences of his actions.

Edit: sorry assumed you meant that the post by her friend last night didnā€™t change things massively, which obviously it has given it completely supports her version of events.

Yeah. Get into a bitchy little dishonest back and forth with @myboyblue instead, that was a really healthy conversation. Besides i wasnā€™t wrong.

History being made this weekend with the opening round of fixtures in the first ever Tabby Cat Cup round robin.

Some wonderful fixtures and fixture scheduling here.

Cavan v Laois - 4pm Breffni Park
Down v Waterford - 6pm Pairc Esler
Limerick v Longford - 6:30pm at the Gaelic Grounds
Meath v Tipperary - 6:30pm at Pairc Timmy.

Fermanagh v Wexford - 1pm in Enniskillen
Antrim v Leitrim - 1pm in Fortress Corrigan
Offaly v London - 2pm at Tullamore
Wicklow v Carlow - 4pm at Aughrim.

Stevie Poacher calling for it to revert back to knockout before a ball is kicked.

Also saying Waterford should give a walkover.

Did he really? What a prick. Why donā€™t Down give a walkover in that case?

Malachy Clerkin having a nice dig at Donal Og with his ā€œpound shop Brollyismsā€

The Grand National for also-rans is a needless dig. Same fella was waxing lyrical about the Joe McDonagh, Christy Ring, Nicky Rackard and Lory Meagher cups last weekend.


Clerkins are company men


Its so stupid how the debate has now become a hurling v football thing.

The problem isnt a free to air thing or a game selection thing, its that GAAGO is such a pain in the arse to access for a large percentage of the country.


Completely needless, and the pops at rugby too