The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Surely one of the Tipp roasters should be heading up.any sangwhich thread.

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He’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic though

“Sean Dyche” is the bastardised Norman-Irish term for sandwich.

Really? I always thought Sean Dyche meant old lesbian. He looks like one too.


Lovely cut to this Monday evening

Up yours @Rocko

It’s kicking off all over the place.

Tfk is a reflection of the world. The whole world is going mental.

More lies

The hot weather and the full moon are a lethal combination


'Twas the blue moon that tipped it over the edge I’d say. Too much for fellas.

All this unfolding after I found out of my mam yesterday that my sister is dating a lad from Galway. I dunno what to think.

Open goal here for one of the Galway lads

Could have been worse. Could have found out from your sister that your mam was seeing a lad from galway.


Thats what she said…


She’ll have it up her hole push that giant macnas head out of her.

Should have guessed @maroonandwhite would have a big meltdown here, especially after this on Saturday.

Could have been worse you could have found out your mam was your sister.

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You couldn’t

It would be difficult to accept I know