2023 Club Championships



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Goalie @myboyblue

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Thatā€™s genuinely hilarious. Reminds me of when Iā€™d score deliberate own goals for the craic playing Sensible Soccer on the Amiga.

The co-commentator could see which way it was going.

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The fog is down in Limerick. The football might be called off according to the lads on Clare FM.

I donā€™t blame the keeper there, I blame the ones who were the reason she got the ball. Who the fuck willingly passes the ball to a fucking goalie, let alone a ladies goalie

The astute posters recognise the game.

As youā€™ve pointed out, the constant blowhards know fuck all about it.

There are immutable things about hurling

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Tradition won the day

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This is actually correct but you wonā€™t deter everyone. Same lads giving out when they exit the championship.

That is horseshit, no way all the players agreed to that and once youā€™re explaining youā€™re losing. Fuck them

Wow, heā€™s nailed it there


Nasty nasty stuff of a Sunday.

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You would have thought Burke would have played for Na Fianna. What is he saving himself for? Not like Dublin are contenders

Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s trying to avoid tearing his hamstring off the bone for the second time in 6 months.


Sure fuck it play away

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Perez would have him signed up to a player charter to ensure heā€™d play

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Hes back training and running. Should be playing yesterday.

Go away you fucking clown.


Spoken like a man that never hurt himself playing sport in his life

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At what cost?

The wheel will turn and a fully fit Burke might be the difference next year. Thereā€™s a bigger picture than this year.

Would Kilcoo have more All Ireland Clubā€™s won if their best player Darragh Oā€™Hanlon hadnā€™t of kept breaking down when rushing to return from injury and ultimately being forced to retire aged 28?