2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

The big 8 left fighting it out for Liam


Not by name, no.

I read the rules in full last night after you point and I still think the interpretation stands.

It’s not a tackle if you don’t initiate the contact; I’m not sure how it can be argued it is tbh.

I would agree that if you slap a fella in the chest, that’s a free but if he runs into your arm, that’s his issue.

You’re semantically dancing on the pinhead of a needle there if you think Limerick (or equally the rest of them) aren’t initiating contact when they go into a tackle

I’m not talking about any particular or any particular tackle here. I think that if the referee is happy that the defending player has initiated the contact (which is basically slapping a player), then I wouldn’t have an issue giving a free.

I would still probably push my luck in terms of coaching in terms of a little jab to stop momentum and gamble that the ref won’t blow but I wouldn’t whinge if it was blown (as long as they were consistent).

However, if you make yourself as big as possible and the player runs right at you, I wouldn’t expect a free to be blown (and I don’t think it is to be fair). And that’s what is generally taught; you always get a few who lose the run of themselves.

We were supposed to be doing a tackling technique session this week but I’m actually better off getting a referee to come in and talk through it, I think. I don’t want to be giving away unnecessary frees in club hurling.

You could probably invite ten refs and end up getting a different interpretation from each one

The one where Kelly ran into him and then fell down?


Donal Óg has a phrase on it, that hurling is meant to be a game of evasion or something like that. You’re supposed to move the ball around the defender, or run around them, not run through them. It’s why you can’t charge with the ball.


You need to watch that one back bud. All he did was stand his ground

The type of fella who can watch that clip in the view from behind Kelly and claim the defender doesn’t move towards the attacker is the very same fella who would refer to a hurler as the Terminator.


How can any idiot can suggest that o donoghue stood his ground when he is clearly cutting off kellys path and using his considerable frame to stop kelly :man_shrugging:
Limericks greatest asset is their physicality


Is he supposed to Move out of the way? :joy:


That’s where we are at I’m afraid, there is only so much you can do for fellas to help them understand.

I better not move towards that area because I’ll be in Tony’s way :joy:


It’s sad how fellas can’t put aside their loyalties and prejudices when analysing sport. It’s what sets myself yourself @neilld and @WOODY_BLOWS_SOULDRES apart on here

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I know ! “Stood his ground “:joy::joy:

Lots of newcomers to the game from other sports which is great to see, but it’s important that hurling people get the game back on the right track.


Did you vote for Brexit?

They wont like us for it but they’ll know deep down

They’ll know

Don’t make me embarrass you with some freeze frame… You won’t like that.