2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Wex wont lose to Laois next weekend.
Format is stacked against Laois here

I may be wrong when i say this but from the start of the backdoor/trapdoor second chance format only a select few teams have won their next game coming off a defeat the week before…
I remember Dubs beat Sligo in the football years ago
2 weeks are needed to recover

Yes, this place has been proven beyond doubt to be the single greatest repository of knowledge in this country.

Your citations will be hilarious.


Laois fucked Tyrone right up one year in the 00s and famously Dublin a few years ago. We have the history here. Be wary.

The provincial losers v the round 3 qualifier winners was the one.

You’d get two provincial losers playing the round 4 the following Saturday.

Cork fans have already bought out all the train tickets for the semi final… Cork are back.

There isn’t a doubt in their minds that they are going to win the All Ireland this year

That’s the confidence that sets Cork apart. They are well and truly back

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The wind was sucked out of their sales Sunday

They must have great confidence in Clare to beat Wexford (again).

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They do.

Can you put your two arms out wide to make yourself a wider target to run around or ‘through’? I’ve heard lads who have played senior county hurling coaching this to u12s

They’re gone bananas down here… I’m getting plenty of - we’ll see ye in Croker… We’ll give it to ye… Yada yada yada.

The best response is to just smile and nod.


“Stand him up!!!”

Well, that’s the question. My interpretation would be that you can, Halfpipe in fairness seems to be saying the opposite.

I definitely don’t think it’s clearcut. Maybe it’s assumed that everyone knows you’re not supposed to be running around like a fucking aeroplane but I can definitely see why it’s coached.

In fairness though your interpretation is from reading the rules of an entirely different sport. I could interpret it that you can bring the player to ground as long as you come from behind the offside line and roll away immediately after the tackle and it would be no less relevant than your own.

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I think a lot of it is interpreted by who initiates the contact, i.e. the player in possession or the defender with his arms out. The benefit of the doubt tends to go the way of the player who is contacted first.

A lot of referees work on the basis that they’ll favour the player who is trying to play the fundamentals. For example if the player in possession runs into contact looking for a free, they’ll favour the defender. If the defender is trying to spoil without at least an attempt to make a tackle on either the shoulder or dispossess the ball, the attacker will get the nod.

I’d agree that is how refs are reffing it, but it’s not the rules. Now we have a situation where the average intercounty game has about 10 times as many spare arm tackles as hooks, blocks or flicks to dispossess. It’s a mess that needs sorting.
In terms of dispossessing, attackers have now perfected the very quick tap of the ball on the hurl which makes it very hard for defenders. Just before that hit by WOD on Kelly on Sunday (which was a very obvious free), Kelly taps the ball on his hurl but there was no reasonable chance of dispossessing him when he done it. It reminded me of lads at u10 who solo down the field with their hand hovering over the sliothar, which funnily enough most referees at that level would call as a foul.


As Olly Baker said on Wooly’s pod this week, there was no spare arm tacking in his day, just 36 inches of ash being swiped across you.

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Did he mention houlihan?