2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Injury risk. John Kiely must be very different from the norm on the inter-county circuit if he allows that. Can you imagine if someone under Davy Fitz’s tutelage was harness racing the week before a mammoth game.

It wouldn’t be allowed in Clarinbridge anyway!

There is risk in everything.

A lot riskier going for a cycle in the evening.

It’s mental that lads think coaches at either club or inter county level should interfere with players lives like that.

It’s worse then when so called supporters of the game call them out on it afterwards.

Id much prefer if Kyle enjoyed his hobbies than took a year out like Austin Gleason because he’s absolutely sick off it.

I’m sure all fans of the game are the same.

Are you the same fella that goes on about professional hurlers?

I’d say Gleeson is just sick of it because he’s from Waaafud

He’ll tell us again about the Dublin player who used to have pints and a toasted sandwich after games but Kyle getting on with his life is a big no no.

Paul mannion packed it in too.

Countless examples of lads packing it in because it’s too much of a commitment.

Twisting the knife in after a defeat and saying they shouldn’t be doing x or y is poor form.

Looking at the highlights here on TG4

Is Is the same same for II’ve heard it said that Gillane was hooked when missing the follow up to Hegartys shot but I can’t see that, looks like he missed it, the angle isn’t perfect

Different reasons I’d imagine for Mannion, although savage commitment no matter the county or the success. Winning silverware keeps things going for sure.

I might have the wrong people in mind here but your cousins in Cork didn’t by any chance have family on Wolfe Tone Street?

Joseph Street next street over would be where my Grandmother lived

I think I stayed in that house one or two nights in the summer of 2000 with your cousin. We were all looking for a place to live for September and ended up using this place as a base to go do “viewings”. We ended up not seeing a single house, and going to the pub for two days. Your cousin ended up staying on in that house himself for the year and we went elsewhere. A lovely fella. I haven’t had sight or sound of him in 20+ years
He’d a Tipp girlfriend the whole time through college. I think they got married but I’d lost contact with him by then


Kyle should contlnue to jock whatever horses he wishes to. Limerick players have a life and an identity and that has worked out very badly for them. They like to golf, go surfing, play tennis, race horses and have an auld 99

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That’s gas, Ireland is just a big town really lads… outside of Dublin anyway

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Aussie was one of the analysts for the BBC coverage this weekend, he hurls with a fair bit more flamboyance than he talks with.

Is this the same sister ye can’t sit beside at matches?

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She’s calmed down a bit these days pal, but I think that’s only because we are so uncompetitive :rofl:

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Wed terrible strife beside us. Cork man in his late 40s/early 50s with boy of about 10. Not sure what caused it but cork chap started roaring at limk fella behind him. Started belting him with the program and when limk fella pushed him away, bit on to his finger.

Limk fella went to jacks as finger pumping. Came back few minutes later and started boxing the head off your man, kid caught in middle of fracas.

Guards took both males away. Cork fella was in the wrong but the massive thumps in front of a child was terrible


Any man one strapping at a match is a man to be feared yet not admired. Cul camp bag with double strap job is your only man.

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The poor young fella.

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Both should be banned for life from Croke Park