2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

That was one fella while the rest of them were probably Garda. The whole limerick team seem to be avant garde

my recollection was that it was far more segregated back in the day - tickets went through the clubs so Tipperary clubs would get one section, Limerick the next section etc.

It made for the match to be more enjoyable and better atmosphere to be honest - I find it easier to cheer on your team when you have your own fellow supports beside you.

It doesn’t take much to get annoyed with opposition supporters really


They still do in 99.999pc of cases in fairness. I didn’t see a hint of trouble before during or after the match yesterday on the train in or out. A fantastic occasion.

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I think that there’s a slightly different demographic perhaps. Also folk are getting more aggressive I suspect because of loads of the shite they see online normalising behaviour, and people like Conor McGregor not taking any responsibility for the influence their position has given them with the gullible and the rudderless.
And post COVID, folk are just less patient anyway. Instant distraction at the tip of a keypad doesn’t lend to patience.
Finally, there are a million or more more bodies in the country. Everything is that bit busier.


I agree it’s better like that.

That bit of colour too adds to it.

And when the opposition score a goal and all around you falls silent but you can hear the echo of the noise from the opposite fans down the far end, it makes for a tremendous sound.

@Cheasty will explain this even better for when you are standing on Hill 16 and Dublin lose.

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It made for a better atmosphere too. Remember watching those Clare-Tipp games in PuiC from the terrace, and it would look like half the stadium was lifting off the ground when Tipp would score. Shelly’s point in the '99 drawn game and Eoin Kelly’s goal in '02 are two I’ll always remember.

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One difference I was commenting on this year to my family was flags. I remember going to games in the nineties and the place would be a sea of flags, especially for goals and the parade and especially the terraces. People down seem to bother with them any more. Maybe we’ve become too sophisticated and urbane. I think it’s if it because there’s so many scores now you couldn’t be putting the flag up and down for all of them.



This clip gives a good insight.

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100%. Would love to have seen Davy’s penalty in '99 from the Tipp terrace.

Wasn’t the Canal End one set of supporters and the Hill the other before the redevelopment? The lads who liked offering everyone their opinion would be in one or the other, and well away from any opposition.

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I’ve been going to matches across the country for 30 years and I’ve seen plenty of fracas among supporters. Although the above story is awful (what kind of weasel bites somebody?) I’ve seen many instances of it, both at Galway games and as a neutral. I’d put it more down to lads putting to much emphasis on their county filling a gap in their own life rather than a societal shift. You’ll unfortunately never get rid of the utter loo-las that take things too personally, especially with drink taken.


Christ it used to be some craic down in the Pairc back in the 90’s and 00’s when after a game - both crowds from the terrace would join the walk back down the tree lined road out of the Pairc - used to be some shouting and roaring.

Great days.

There really isn’t as much colour anymore - the flags, bodhrans, straw hats etc are badly needed.


In the old Croke Park there were two terraces. All-Ireland finals would have the terraces largely segregated but the stands were mixed.

That changed when the Canal End was demolished and Hill 16 was the only remaining terrace.


It stopped well before the 50 score games. I think it might just be that flags are a pain in the hole to be looking after for the day.

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That’s it really, after you bite someone you can have few enough complaints at what is coming back

That’s actually mad, that lad is a principal now, he’s one of my brothers best mates, his older brother is a serious muso, you’d have a lot in common with him, he was a great sportsman when he was younger.
I’d say I’ve often mentioned the dad here, he was a massive influence on me growing up, probably a big part of why I became a teacher,


That’s an awful low blow to be kicking a lad when he’s down like he is

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Where did the young fella go after the guards took the ould lad

Fuck him, I have less than zero respect for that cunt

In truth they’ll go when JP says so……