2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

I agree i posted that a few days ago. Do away with the prelim QFs.

It’s an hour and forty mins from Enniscorthy to Thurles. It’s not that long a trek even on regional roads.

Reidy in a 2 man full forward line. :roll_eyes:
The most rabid Bannerman would hardly suggest that.

Thurles is grand when it’s 25-30k people. At capacity you can’t get for a piss and the area under the stand is uncomfortably full. Very little room behind the Killinan end either.

Much better on the other two sides.

God help you if you were a woman looking for a toilet Munster final day. They know it’s a problem too and don’t even bring in a few portaloos or something.

Two stands have poles everywhere in them as well blocking your view. The tall Polish bastards

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Not in a two man line, I’d leave McCarthy in there or even move Rodgers in from 11.

It looks like I’m caught with the FEILE so won’t be going.

But I will Revolut Tom Ryan the €45 anyway.

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They should actually combine them with a minor or u20 game imo if they could. Two games are nice.

Galway have shown you’ll win fcuk all with two forwards (and no half forwards)

And that cark prick Lyons.

McCarthy has done nothing from play all year, well other than finish a few goals made for him by O’Donnell.

Leave him there for the season.

More than they get in the Munster championship now

Its hardly 45 euro to go Saturday?

It couldn’t be, could it?

Just listening to the Wexford Hurling Podcast & you can’t have it all…

Damo Reck can sit deep at centre back in front of O’Donnell & almost double up on him.

McGuckin can play as a deep wing forward to disrupt Duggan under puck outs.

We need to make the middle third a war zone.

But we can’t have Rory O’Connor playing deep when he’s more dangerous inside.

We need to keep ROC, Conor Mc & Cian Byrne inside.

So taking all that on board - that’s 1 goalie, 8 defenders, 3 midfielders, no half forward line & 3 in the full forward line.

If you’re funnelling lads back then it has a knock on effect on the formation.


Half forward lines are overrated

A lot of “floating” going on there.

You should try it, might save your life.

This is a great proposal tbf.


A wonderful apathy about the quarter finals in the end.

The little barney about the date and time has drained us.

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Not to go full Moneyball, but at this stage for all 4 teams any tactic that wins you possession in the opposition half or disrupts your opposition from the same needs to be considered.

We have a huge dependency on Duggan - crowd him and it limits us.

Ye have the benefits of Fanning dropping ball on Chin, McDonald if he comes out more, McGuckian, and one or two more. Thats a key area of strength for ye and one Id say Rossiter will do everything to use.

On the other hand we will clearly try to create opportunities to run from deep and / or set up O’Donnell one on one inside.

Whoever gets the most benefit from these tactics will likely win the game.

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Can be ban TikToks please lads