2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

If any team knows how to deal with losing Munster finals it’s Clare


There’s no way it’s 53.

They either said as a joke as they know it’ll annoy folk or else he’s included the panel.

There’s probably 32 or 33 on the panel with 20 back room team would add up

You might look to take some time out for yourself after such a dirty fucking comment.

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Unless they’ve added 30 new people to the backroom team this year, there’s nowhere near 53. Maths was never Dec’s strong point tbf :joy:

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It wouldn’t surprise me if is a wind up tbh.

Some amount of sweeping going on here.

President Burns confirmed this morning that the 53 is all players (lads not on match day panel as well) and back room staff


Where’s your reprimand for @PasqualePaoli post above. You’re very quick to dish it out when you feel the limerick’s are at it


That would make more sense. Shur they wouldn’t all fit on the bus otherwise.

I know the fella from our club has taken a step back this year and is only involved on matchdays now, where he would have been at every training before.

What did he do?

@jarlath is said to be looking into the Limerick backroom team.

First we need to ascertain whose daughter he was referring to. Was it your own?

Ah the mask slips, you fucking hypocrite

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Answer the question? Whose daughter is @PasqualePaoli referring to? I cant see it there?

That is very harsh you bollox but I laughed out loud!

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Byrnes got clotheslined by Peter Duggan and Brendan screams it’s a good tackle. I mean sweet Jesus what do these lads be watching

This will very clearly be another Kilkenny v Limerick final.
Kilkenny might give Limerick a game until half time, before Limerick will bate them by as much as they want in the second half.

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Like a Dubs dressing room


Don’t be mean.