2024 All Ireland Hurling Championship

Its a big ask for sure

If hayes wins his aerial duels, he is both a danger from distance but even more a danger of rampaging up that wing. Cant see him being the gamble to go for. He’s arguably been our best player


Good luck with that.

Hopefully :crossed_fingers:t3:

That thought had crossed my mind. However, to hammer the hammer, you need a suitable hammer. It’s wasted energy trying that tactic with Hayes. Keeping the ball away from him has a better chance of success.


He’s absolutely your best player. Imagine what an early catch by Dalton over him would do for Cork though.

A huge gamble for sure.

A dirty dunt in the balls didnt stop Hayes having a huge game last day. One catch unlikely to.

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That would nearly be a job for a Shane Barrett or Hayes who could conceivably run away from Kyle and give him pause for thought. Dalton doesn’t have it athletically to sustain that. Hayes and Barret are Corks two main men to me and are absolutely the future.


Barrett needs to play centre forward.

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They’d be better off going in to cleave Nicky


What a player. They’re waiting years for a lad like him.

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Well said mate, we definitely need our biggest goal threats playing further way from goal for no obvious reason.

Buff Egan has arrived in Dublin


It’s a hypothetical about ‘hammering the hammer’, if you were to target Kyle Hayes, they’re the only two with the physicality to do it. I am not advocating doing it, they won’t puck anywhere near Kyle Hayes.


No need for the clever stuff really, they just need to put in a performance. I wouldn’t have any worries about the likes of Barrett or Hayes, some of the older lads on the other hand…


I think they’ll go man for man and go for it as well. Cork have the forwards to hurt anyone.

Big thing will be repeating the success in the Pairc on their own puckouts and whether to hit many short ones or not.

They’d good success recently breaking puckouts as well, bit like Tipp did to KK in 2010. I don’t think Cork should bother with short puckouts. Push right up and go man for man.