A bit of cop on. Again

Ultimately the correct decision to ban @twiceasnice97 as a result of this fallout.


It might be an idea to ban everyone who has ever been in the limerick gaa thread?


What happened in the Limerick thread?

We whacked it


From last summer:

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On a slight tangent, I’d like to put it on the record that should I have ever mentioned a certain Spanish tennis player and drug use on this forum, that I completely rescind said allegations and trust that the matter has now been dealt with satisfactorily.

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I think it’s time someone was banned for homophobic or racist comments.


Along with @twiceasnice97?

What did he say?

Something which cannot be repeated. See his twitter for more detail.

Did he say it here? I haven’t seen him logged on for months.

What about religious persecution on this site? I’ve never used the flag system as we’re all big boys on here but if someone says something derogatory about another religion should this not fall under the same category of banning the poster?


Religion is a choice - you roll with the punches for your choices - You can’t choose your skin colour or sexual orientation.


So you think you can change your religion like you can your vote?

What a mug!!

I don’t in any way underestimate the the stupidity or futile nature of the religious person. I don’t really know or care tbh but religion is something you choose, just like i’ve opted out of it. We stand by our choices for good or bad… trying to compare yourself to a victim of racism or homophobia is disgusting and stinks of a very needy and insecure person.


It’s bigotry I’m worried about. But lets leave @Rocko make a call on it. His site, his rules.

Certain religious factions on this island have an awful persecution complex. Must be all the guilt they carry from acts carried out against the good, honest to God, Catholics in the past.

what about these transgenders that are springing up all over the place?
my opinion is they have hitched a lift with the gays and have bizarrely gotten away with it.
surely nobody belives these weirdos are born this way, and that they are just mentally ill or confused or seeking attention or maybe even running away from something.
a lot of these ‘people’ go through normal life, meet a woman, marry her, procreate, raise chilkdren, play daddy etc and then middle age hits and hey presto i always felt i was a woman in a mans body :smile: