A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I thought that read Askeaton there for a second.


One made shit of the castle


I had to rub my eyes as well

This guy thinks it was a rocket which fell short. Thread.

I really donā€™t know.

Who knows if any of the videos doing the rounds are this incident. I tend to believe itā€™s most likely an air strike using a JDAM, which would suggest deliberate targetting, but Hamas and Islamic Jihad have a broad range of missiles, with varying payloads and ranges. There was an Iranian developed 300kg rocket used by PIJ back in 2019, that would have quite an impact.

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Israel planning full scale invasion according to Al Jazeera news. Ground, air & sea.

Israeli civilians in bordering areas being evacuated.

Surely to fuck there is nothing to be gained in that tactic? Is Biden really going to visit Israel if that is true.

Mosul and Stalingrad for the youtube generation

Arab Ambassadors to the UN making a joint statement now.

The bombing of the hospital could well.put a halt to that plan if indeed it turns out to be an Israeli strike.

Canā€™t believe it was a Hamas rocket tbh.

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The military confirmed they bombed areas in the south where they told them to flee to and expect people to believe they didnā€™t bomb this hospital in the airstrikes?
I havenā€™t been following this in the last few days but they basically said move here weā€™re invading, then bombed where they told them to move?

The origin of the missile, be it from Hamas, the IDF, or outer space will unfortunately be inconsequential. Arab states already pulling out of the Biden summit now. The release of this force has profound implications. Who knows,could this potentially serve as the catalyst for a global conflict, reminiscent of a domino effect with the onset of World War III?

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Iā€™m not sure anyone can plausibly claim they know exactly who caused it. Social media a mess of video ā€œevidenceā€, claim and counter-claim with very few non-biased sources.

Iā€™m curious if the reaction of some though if it does prove to be due to a Hamas missile (or Islamic jihadist etc). Will all the accounts calling it genocide, war crimes etc turn their fury the other way?

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Netanyahu is a complete lunatic. What are the chances of a coup, ice pick etc?

UN Ambassadors spokesman calls Israelis liars for stating it was Islamic Jihadist rocket.
He claims tweet earlier ( that @Cheasty posted ) is proof and fact it was deleted only confirms it.

This is looking real bad for Israel.

But, this joint statement from Arab ambassadors should also put real pressure on Egypt to open its Gaza border and allow civilians willing to leave to do.
They should also be driving for a Humanitarian Line in through that Border.

Is this the hospital they told them to evacuate ? Occamā€™s razor says it was an IDF airstrike.

Youā€™d imagine Western leaders who fancy being re-elected will row back massively now on Israel and they are going to be isolated now.

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Iā€™d agree with that

Of course but it does not in anyway change the fact that Israel are using innocent civilians in Gaza as cannon fodder for retribution.

Looks like the Israelis have backed themselves into a corner. I donā€™t think they have any other choice now than to agree to a ceasefire.