A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

They are being ruled by a cunt who merged together a bigger group of lunatics who are revelling in bombing Gaza.

The ordinary Israeli civilian must be terrified at what is unfolding considering the backlash from all its neighbouring countries.

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They have practically wiped out Gaza, created a humanitarian crisis and committed a laundry list of war crimes. They should feel the wrath of the world for what they’ve done.



Yes but as we historically know, there is a trigger for everything. After the attacks on october 7th, the western world were happy to let Israel off under the guise of "they’re entitled to defend itself " Netenyahu and his clan saw that as a carte blanche to do what he wanted. The bombing of the hospital and the subsequent reaction has turned the whole thing on its head. While not quite on the same scale, its not dissimilar to the western worlds attitude toward Hitler until he took it one step too far and invaded Poland. Its also put Biden in an awkward position and he doesn’t know whether to stick or twist

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They are a dirty PR machine built largely on an American model. Cunts…

But, other Arab nations who truly want to help civilians in Gaza need to denounce Hamas also.

They need to put massive pressure on Hamas which will place more pressure on Israel to stop their shit too.

Jordan have cancelled Biden summit

Foreign Minister of Jordan gave interview on Al Jezeera there outlining how they couldn’t proceed after attack on hospital.

Has called on Israel to call an immediate ceasefire.

Tbf, at end of interview he stated there can be no justification for attacks from either side and that both should halt hostilities immediately to prevent further violence & casualties to innocent civilians in Gaza.

Said their country had diplomats in Europe up to today trying to broker talks to deescalate the current situation .

Can you blame them. The Whitehouse has already said that any talk of ceasefire is repugnant, and that they’ll back israel no matter what. Best to pin their hopes on china

Biden & his earpieces have backed themselves into a serious corner here.

It’s not Putin in the other corner this time.

Is Netanyahu any better than his counterparts in Iran? Doubtful

Its posturing. Agreed entirely understandable. The Saudis will sort it out

Anything to be said for an arab league?


What’s the credibility of this source like?

The solution is clearly to reestablish Israel somewhere else entirely. Somewhere with solid growth potential, maybe a bit down-at-heel, in need of modernisation and investment, but with a tradition of success and a willingness/desperation to recover former glory.

In all seriousness the Saudies have too much invested in the like of Paddy footix and Golf knobheads to allow a full scale war in the region

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Trade and mutual interests are always the way to go…then again, look at how intertwined moscow and london had become.

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Doesn’t matter how much skin you have in the game. You cant legislate for some lad plastering himself from head to toe in semtex and blowing himself to pieces and taking a few hundred with him

Perhaps further mayhem is exactly what they want?

I think you might be underestimating the diversity of their investment portfolio.

Some of the names on that site aren’t remotely credible. Pepe Escobar, Kit Klarenberg, Sharmine Narwani. The phrasing of their headlines is completely biased. Propaganda site.

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Do inform