A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Life was so simple pre Covid.

What a mess of a five years or so for the world.

Hi lads

That news from tonight is as horrific as anything we have seen from Beā€™eri, Sderot or Khan Younis over the last few days, we have seen absolute massacres of innocent people in the last 10 days, it is truly appalling.

Trying to put logic on these things at time can be a ridiculous exercise, can we justify babies being dismembered with macehetes on a Saturday morning in a quite Israeli village as a consequence of the restrictions Israel place on Gaza and previous attacks?, can we justify the Israeli pounding of civilian infrastructure as desire to a eliminate a manic terrorist regime ?.. and then tonight.

My two cents on this- the IDF are a lot of things but they are not stupid and a blatant attack on civilian infrastructure serves no purpose just as they have the wind in their sales with Von Der Leyen, Sunak and Biden, now both the IDF and Hamas have scant regard for civilian life but they have one thing in common and that is the desire to keep the hostages alive. A dead hostage is no good to Hamas and Hamas has Israelis in that hospital compound as we know from Mia Schemā€™s video earlier today from their TV, It looks like they even performed surgery on her arm so for that reason I donā€™t think Hamas deliberately bombed their own hospital which was a live possibility to try to turn the PR war on Israelā€¦ and i very much doubt the IDF would hit a hospital where they know they have hostages , they want to be seen to bring them homeā€¦ then they might destroy the hospital tho

Its beginning to look like this was a rocket fired from rafah aimed for Haifa that hit the hospital after about 20km flight , there was a large barrage at Tel Aviv, Netanya at the time of the explosion so it kind of adds upā€”now I initially thought whilst Hamas have propulsion systems that allow them to hit Haifa ( >100km) the payload capability is limited, max impact is it would knock say a few houses or smash a hole in an apartment block so I thought this HAS to be IDF with scale of the destructionā€¦.but in gaza buildings are built on sandā€¦ im still not sure on that tho, would a total coillpase of a building kill 500?.. or were they sending a whopper to Haifa? I donā€™t know lads but all I do know is none of them can be believed

The situation is interesting now in that we have 300k IDF at Gaza, I noticed earlier a post from Cheasty quoting our friend from Otzma Yedhudit, Itamar ben Gvir- I have spoken about him a lot over the last year and the power that man hold over Netanyahu and the absolute carnage himself and Belazel Shrortich are causing in Israeli society and also in the flames they lit in the west bank and jersualem with the settler movement. To answer Treatystones question , Hamas attacked Israel at 6am on the 7th of October, by 3pm they had occupied Sderot a small city , had 200 hostages and were committing mass murder, at this stage you had only 7 IDF units in or en route to Gaza with 3 destroyed ā€“ there were 23!!! In the West Bank guarding the settlersā€¦ this was at the behest of Ben Gvir and Shmortich and approved by fucking Netanyahu ā€¦ now you see what is going on here

So on Netanyahu, as we discussed the last year in israel has seen him do what he can to stay in power by creating a coalition with far right settler and religious fundamentalist parties who have him by the balls, bringing in draconian legislation to give him control of the judiciary and a nasty Trump style policy of discrediting his political opponents with no vulgarity sparedā€¦ Netanyahu the hero of the working class has always pledged to keep israel ā€œ strongā€ , ā€œ stand up to the leftā€ and ā€œ iranā€, the chest thumping speech- in Israel the working class hate the ā€œ leftā€, left in Israel means you potentially support a two state solution and donā€™t want a religious theocracy ( or if you live in Tel Aviv where people think Gaza is in Saudi or something and are indifferent to working class problems like Palestinians- thatā€™s for poor people- Thatā€™s the left, Tel Aviv )ā€¦
Now what have weā€¦ 1400 people were raped , slaughtered Rwanda style under his watch, he dropped the ball on Gaza, he listened to the wrong people, its unbelievable really, the man is such a hawk ā€“ Hamas had a mini kibbutz built near rafah., the Shin Bet warned him, they have Hamas completely infiltrated but it was dismissed as a training camp,thatā€™s what Hamas do and now they were more interested in building the Gazan economy personified by Israel vastly increasing the amount of work permits per team Netanyahu and then, bang.

Now we have an issue that potentially unifies left and right and that is this current government to preserve their own self interest lost focus on security and this happened

What happens next

We have a unity government for warā€¦ Benny Gantz the leader of the opposition and former army chief will run the show, him and Netanyahu utterly despise each other, he also had to reappoint Yoav Galant as defense minister who he previously firedā€¦ Ben Gvir and Shmortich are persona non grata ,theyā€™ve burnt him now also and will continue to spew their rhetoric in the settlementsā€¦ You see lads this atrocity didnā€™t take place in a settlement , this was an atrocity in a quiet village inhabited by kibbutzniks, farmers, hapoel tel aviv supporters, the left, hi tech workers with young familiesā€¦ not ben gvirā€™s target audienceā€¦he makes his money by banging his drum in the west bankā€¦ but guess what the cunt has done now, this atrocity will radicalise sane people, I hope to god people will see thru him but I guarantee you Otzma Yehudit will soar in the next election

The armyā€¦ the IDF lads is above criticism in israel, it is part of life and every mother is both proud and or terrified as their sons enter the IDFā€¦ as long as they come home safe its all that mattersā€¦ people are not objective when it comes to the army , I donā€™t think Netanyahu can stand over another loss of Israeli life, he knows what will happen if he sends in the armyā€¦ they will be ransacked and he will have 100s /1000s more mothers screaming for him to be hung

I think Gantz is now in charge and is playing a long game, he knows you cant destroy Hamas, he wants those utter cunts Egypt to open rafah and accept refugees but they are refusing to get involved, he has Peter Lerner telling us that he has now given civilians 6 days to move south of a stream in gaza city , playing the moral high ground ( I know forced displacement is very Gorazde isnā€™t it?) ā€¦ the IDF are observing the rules of war per Cmdr Lerner , they are fighting terrorists who murdered 1400 people, they have no issue with the Palestinians in Gaza, its Hamas is the issue, this is a very creditable stance lads and western governments have bought itā€¦ I think they will pummel Gaza from the air next few days, meanwhile Hamas continue to fire rockets at fucking Haifaā€¦ the hostages will be returned , Netanyahu will announce we have destroyed Hamas whilst Hamas will declare victory and on we goā€¦

On another not lads , the atmosphere in israel is of deep grief and the tension is off the scale , herslelfā€™s parents left where they live in Jerusalem at the weekend to stay with a sister in the north as where they live is on edge at best of times but now its just racially polarised, hearing Arabic or Hebrew or vice versa is causing tension depending on your background and people are shut away.

A work colleague of mine passed away as well as a result of Beā€™eri and she knows a family who are well, no longer a familyā€¦ they are still pulling remains out of the place lads, there were two teenage girls reportedly burn aliveā€¦ā€¦amongst other, im not sure will the country ever recover


In 73 BC the roman senator Marcus Licinius Crassus raised a private army and crushed the slave revolt led by Sparticus. In order to send a message to rebellious subjects he and his army crucified six thousand slaves along the 120 mile stretch of the Appian way.
It was always thus.

The thing about all these videos online alleging it was a rocket that struck the hospital is that as far as I can make out the rockets appear to be going in completely the wrong direction. They appear to be coming from the north or the east.

Can rockets sometimes unintentionally go in completely the wrong direction?

Haifa is the most Arab city in Israel I think?

Can rockets reach there from Gaza?

Itā€™s hard to believe that this kind of coordination canā€™t make bad calls and be mislead intelligence wise.

Itā€™s scary that such a military able nation could be so divided yet depend on such divisions to lead in war.


hey cheasty yes they reach haifa, they even gone as far as Naharyia and the upper Gallillee.
When I was there in 2011-2014 Tel Aviv was their maximum but they have greatly improved.
The most arab cities in Israel would be Saknin and Nazareth in the Gallillee, they would be 100% arab virtually, and then you have Haifa and jerusalem which are the two biggest mixed cities, id say Jerusalem would have bigger arab population maybe than haifa
Haifa has a very big chemical industry, now Ashdod is a bigger port tho
My knowledge of rockets is elemntary, the IDF story would be that it went up fly for 20km and then landed slap bang on a hospitalā€¦
Now, this is a terrorist organisation (hamas at least) and for a group of lads who make all these out of steel pipes they do remarkably well for how they have developed since the humble Qassam rocket post 2009ā€¦but we cant say their systems are hi tech

ill put it to you this way Sid.
it wouldnt also suprise me if this was an IDF fuck up, they hit a munitions dumpā€¦ albeit near a hospital and there was a massive explosionā€¦ now theyā€™ll never admit thatā€¦i just dont see the logic in the IDF hitting a hospital now when they have Biden boxed off and hostages in thereā€¦I also cant see Hamas doing it now as they need those hostages aliveā€¦ but they also need to win the PR war that Israel was doing bizarely well in last week and what better way to do it then bomb a hospital and accuse IDF

i think it was an accidentā€¦ both sides equally liable
my money- IDF


Had they though if he was agreeing to meet Arab leaders in Jordan?

Tbf to the Israelis, I actually believe their explanation here.

Donā€™t think that is going to matter for manyā€¦.

Stories to suit either side will be the pushed narrative.

Real important news last night was Hamas stating they would release hostages if Israel stop the campaign in Gaza.

If they are actually serious Israel need to meet an agreement immediately for the sake of innocent civilians, their own civilians in the armies & stability in the wider region.

Arab leaders need to stand up now and fight for peace and not use the Hospital hit as a vehicle to incite more violence and resentment.

Hamas are playing 3d chess. Israel are bombing hospitals

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This is not something that can be faked for either side for long.

The picture above doesnā€™t show a hospital blown apart, it shows a few cars destroyed and some burning.

Now if it is a fake picture in the short term, Hamas would need to be blowing up that hospital today and leaving a crater.

Perhaps the number of victims was greatly overstated? That sort of damage looks more inline with a less powerful missile but hard to see how 500 plus people died if thatā€™s where the impact was.

Funny how the same people going apeshit not believing the beheading thing were some of the most vociferous in sharing ā€œnewsā€ about this.

that is probably the situation treatystones allright
it now looks like it was not Hamas or IDF but a botched Islamic Jihad strike from Rafah.
its a wonderful narrative for Hamas to say it was a deliberate Israeli strike for obvious reasons but the fact they have hostages in there they are playing a careful PR war would tbh render it a stupid move, ( now in not putting it past them doing it after the hostages have been recovered btw or when Biden et al have fucked off) ā€¦ also there is a relevant argument that it was a deliberate Hamas strike as there is no better way to cause havoc with a sympathetic internatonal public opinion to Israel and also cause chaos with the Arab League but again it would be a stupid move from Hamas as they need the hostages alive ā€¦ despite the success Hamas and or Islamic Jihad have and the advancements in their rocket attacks and terrorist infrastructure they are not exactly technologically soundā€¦ at this stage i think tbh it does sound like a botched rocket from somewhere in Gaza,

The hospital bomb whoever did it has caused chaos in israel as if there wasnt already chaos as people now know there has to be huge hostage casualties, this also lads comes the same day as the video was released by Hamas of Isralies in that same hospitalā€¦ its wonderfully cynical terrorism tbh,
christ lads they are all diabolical bastards


@TreatyStones sorry for late reply , i did a post last night about how the IDF were caught out on 7 oct, it was a reply to a question to you from maybe last weekend - apols for the delay in reply


Tom Burgis has a good book called Kleptopia that goes into some detail on that. I think youā€™d enjoy it.


I have it if you want it @glenshane

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Thanks for the recommendation, and the offer fagan. Iā€™ll have a go at reading it on audible