A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Jesus. Thats brilliant

Looks more and more like it was a misplaced rocket rather than IDF

I think it was a rocket fired from inside Gaza. The Al Jazeera live broadcast video of the explosion from 18:59 seems to strongly suggest this is the case.

On one side if isreal did bomb a hospital thats simply not acceptable for any nation state to do and is a war crime, if ypu argue that than you are a fool.

Hamas do use public buildings to launch missilesand store weapons to prevent them being attacked. Using civilians as shields, not acceptable and is a tatic they use. They dont care about thier own citizen’s.

“It’s ok, they die, it’s fine”

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“Other team” is terrible language.

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He is a terrible person

israel is like being in a relationship with a narcissistic psychopath, he fucks you up and then makes you think it’s your fault.


Just like at least one of @glenshane’s ex-wives.


He’s about the best option the US and the world has right now. I shudder to think what would be happening if Trump was president now.

Biden has done a reasonable job in buying time to prevent all out catastrophe in the last 11 days. Obviously what is happening is terrible anyway but it can get waaaaay worse than what has happened so far.

We should all hope that it is indeed true that the explosion at the hospital was caused by a rocket from inside Gaza. The consequences of it being an Israeli strike are frightening. Many people will choose to believe what they want to believe anyway but if proven true that it was a rocket from inside Gaza it definitely takes a lot of heat out of the situation.

Tad facetious

I saw some tweets this morning suggesting that the explosion was outside the hospital and suggesting that casualties were likely to be a lot less than initially feared last night. Again, hard to know how trustworthy the sources were. Did you come across anything?

People are surmising about the number of deaths. But if it was an Israeli airstrike which hit the courtyard in front of the hospital, you’d expect a crater. If it was an Israeli airstrike which hit the hospital building, you’d expect pictures of the rubble.

Israel badly messed up its propaganda game last night because one of their main propagandists put out a tweet which he hastily deleted which said that Israel had carried out a strike, then an official Israeli account put out a video which was deleted. I think for a good few hours Israeli propaganda genuinely feared Israel had done it and everything was as it initially seemed and they tried to put out bullshit to obfuscate. But that in itself is not evidence it was an Israeli strike.

The drip drip from open source intelligence people as well as the Al Jazeera video and the photographs of the scene from the hospital are what are all adding up to indicate it the explosion was caused by a rocket.

Thread with pictures.

This thread seems interesting. Even putting aside who caused the damage - it seems like the level of damage seen this morning and the reported number of deaths are inconsistent

Hopefully they casualty numbers are far lower than initially reported.

That being said my two thoughts are:

It almost doesn’t matter at this stage what actually happened - the perception put out immediately about an IDF strike causing huge deaths was believed and unleashed consequences that won’t be easily rolled back no matter what proof/truth emerges

The sheer recklessness of many media organisations and social media accounts ( Joe Brolly Middle East and forensic explosives expert anyone as just one example) to breathlessly report any pronouncement from either side as fact. Even now it’s unclear what happened and it was definitely unclear last night. Whether it’s the rush to be first (the state of the NY times headline drift last night!) or just wanting to believe one side or the other - it was shameful and further enflamed a situation that didn’t really need petrol on the fire. You’d think that a week after the desperately poor hot takes immediately during and after the Hamas massacre that lessons would be learned. Not so much it would seem.

The only hope is that this incident helps in efforts to prevent a ground invasion and to assist the pressure on Israel to stop their air bombing.

In one sense it doesn’t matter - yes a large amount of people will stick to the narrative they want to believe in the face of evidence - but yet it very much does matter.

I sense there’s a large, mostly silent backlash against “Team Israel” and “Team Palestine” propaganda accounts and social media posters. But yet these still are the accounts and posters which generate the most engagement.

All of these stories like last night’s are ongoing lessons for traditional media. Traditional media is made up of humans and the human condition is to react to something. Traditional media is now competing with social media - in fact every public figure is competing with social media in a way - and you see the consequences of that.

The human condition is also to dig in and hold onto a narrative even when the evidence starts to mount up that it’s a wrong narrative. We’re seeing that all over the place.

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This is the account that had the deleted tweet yesterday evening. It appears this social media account is no longer being run by the guy whose name it carries, but by his wife.

You’re burying the lead there by not showing the photo