A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

People say i should follow motaz_azaiza ?


Hamas are very SMART, as somebody orange might say.

The Israeli embassy has admitted that a tweet sent by one of its senior diplomats suggesting Ireland funded Hamas tunnels in Gaza was ā€œwrongā€ and did not reflect its governmentā€™s policy.

In a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sunday, Adi Ophir Maoz, the deputy head of mission in Dublin, stated: ā€œ#Ireland Wondering who funded those tunnels of terror? A short investigation direction - 1. Find a mirror 2. Direct it to yourself 3. VoilĆ ā€

They should just keep calling it twitter for fucks sake

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At this point, both sides will begin to de escalate. There will be posturing and Israel will signal a ground invasion. Hamas needs to return the hostages and Netanyahu needs the hostages returned. Further escalation at this point will achieve nothing of value to either side. US/ China/ Russia and even Iran know pushing this further presents a danger of escalation beyond control. Everybody steps back, both sides declare a win, Gaza is re built and everybody waits for the next round in a battle that has gone on since the beginning of time.


Letā€™s hope you are right

For those watching the Middle East and concerned about a growing humanitarian crisis, The civil war in Yemen, backed by Iran/ Saudi on opposite sides which has claimed over 370,000 lives (roughly 60% through hunger) with an additional 5 million facing famine will get worse whilst the world watches Israel/ Gaza. For anyone asking why, In August of this year over 1 million barrels of oil were shipped from Yemen from a tanker in distress??. Yemen has reserves of some 3 billion barrels of oil and 17 trillion cubic feet of gas.


Open your eyes sheeple

And the UKā€¦and the US

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The UK hasnā€™t been a player on the world stage in decades.


Channel 4 also referred to the apparently impending release of two (2) hostages. Not 50, as Israelā€™s i24 reported. Iā€™ve never seen i24 but Iā€™m getting the strong impression their journalistic standards arenā€™t very high.

Iā€™ll field this one. No.

Itā€™ll be interesting to see who will profit from that

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I saw a claim Hamas have 500km of tunnels under Gaza. Iā€™d say it will be an unprecedented theatre of war.

Any chance we could get them in to build the Metro? Theyā€™d do it on time and under budget, and theyā€™d come cheap.


how does Hamas get the rockets\missiles that they fire in ? they seem to have a decent stock of them

Supposedly they made some of them from water pipes.

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Mostly made themselves. They have dedicated under ground factories. Thatā€™s why they donā€™t do a whole pile of damage, are easily shot down and prone to failure.

Hezzbolah have proper, laser guided stuff from Iran.

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The military industrial stocks are a better bet for now Iā€™d say.