A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

900 in Beā€™eri the main site of the slaughter of kids especially. Maybe 350 in Nir Oz

Id say that man has seen things none of us couid ever imagine that Saturday morningā€¦

Not as a direct order but his rhetoric has been directly responsible for an escalation of daily sectarian killings, muggings ,protests and riots that have seen shin bet snd the military switch focus since 2021

Itā€™s strange.

The child was staying at a friends for sleep over.
Poor child is killed and her friend & a girl minding them missing i think.

He said in interview another daughter in Australia rang the mother and a Hamas member answered telling her that her mother was in Gaza.

He again stated that he was happy the daughter wasnā€™t in Gaza and she was better off dead but never mentioned his wife at all.

Says he was woken on the morning but Bomb noises which wasnā€™t unusual but them gunfire in a closer proximity startled him.
He hit the panic room. Appears he was on his own.

Says he gets messages from some phone system saying no sign of Army coming to help and that neighbours are in panic rooms but houses being burned around them.

Said he left this room with a revolver to watch his own neighbouring houses but no interaction with Hamas members.

Itā€™s all very strange to me, his initial response of being glad the child was dead as opposed to being held hostage with some hope of getting her back.
As a parent Iā€™d be happy in the hope of the child surviving being held hostage. Anything better that being dead.

Was all just extremely sensational in its delivery for me.

I donā€™t believe the scale of brutality and savagery of the Hamas attack has really been appreciated here. The fact Israel struck back almost immediately and with increasing ferocity since has meant the focus has been more on their actions.


It took the US a year and a half to spurn the all the goodwill towards it after September 11th.

It took Israel a week and a half. Some going.

Itā€™s remarkable that the same people who have in recent years been preaching ad nauseum about the disaster of the USā€™s war in Iraq (but who were obviously in favour of it at the time) are now back in the headspace they were in in 2003, baying for the exact same mistakes to be made, except worse.

I think it has. And of course the focus is on the new events.

Hamas done atrocious things, their actions absolutely deplorable.

But the ramifications on more innocent civilians is wrong.

There are seriously bad people on all sides. Depressing


What Hamas did was an outrage. But such crimes have happened before and will happen again. More people were murdered at Sabra and Shatila - with Israeli blessing. More people were murdered at Srebrenica. Both times the victims were Muslims.

Israel uses the Holocaust as the ultimate moral blackmail, in order to behave in ways that are eerily reminiscent of the behaviour that was inflicted upon Jews during World War II.

And every politician in the west is petrified of going against them in any way, because Israel has the most organised propaganda lobby of any country. If you are a politician in the west and you oppose what it does in any way, you will b e destroyed. See what theyā€™re saying now about Antonio Guterres.

This moral blackmail will end up destroying western liberal democracy because western liberal democracy will be seen to have stood idly by and enabled genocide it could have prevented, in the full knowledge that it was about to happen. Genuine lunatics will come to power in the west in place of liberal democratic leaders as a result of this and they will pour vast amounts of petrol on an already raging fire.

Genocidal shit



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it hasnt treatystones, it hasnt at all
i wrote about it earlier, the classic ISIS style shooting of the 250 kids at the rave would " probably" be tolerated on a terror sense as it like a massive Bataclan maybe?
what happened in Beā€™eri is akin to what happened in Kibuye in Rwanda maybe , you cant compare really i think, it was unbelievable saveragy, Anderson Cooper on CNN and Channel 4 news and the brilliant but deeply distrurbing Paris Match articke i posted above are the really only non hebrew press ive seen go into detail on itā€¦most people probably dont believeā€¦ i have one guy i worked with deadā€¦ 2 people i work with have direct family either kidnapped or dead in Gazaā€¦ herself was at university with a married couple who are dead.
theyre still pulling bodies out of Beā€™eri- but the news has shifted now

I find it quite weird the lack of interest in over 200 hostages here - many women and children.

Release the hostages and that goes a long way to increasing the pressure on Israel to stop

Itā€™s taking so long to retrieve the bodies.

the hamas video of them gunning down the dogs in Beā€™eri when they finished with one family reminded of the movie " shooting dogs" from the rwandan genocide


look i dunno, his daughter was murdered, id say we can excuse him of being sensationalist
is wife died from cancer a few years ago
the bit about the texts would be normal enough in israel, rockets falling there that close to gaza, yep thats not unusual at all!!, whats unusual is not hearing the alarms so the system either was fucked or tampered with
and maybe hamas just didnt get to his house and he ran
i dunno

Hamas cant release the hostages in one go tho, its their trump cardā€¦
what did they get for Gilad Schalit in 2011? was it 1500 prisioners? they know what they are at

If they release the prisoners wonā€™t Israel just level the place anyway?

Seems the only thing thatā€™s stopping the Israelis is the prisoners

The biggest risk factor for atrocity crimes is past conflict or atrocity. The Holocaust is the worst atrocity of all time. They are still brutalised by it, never again means never us again, absolutely any action is justifiable to ensure Israelā€™s security.

i dont know, Hamas want the IDF to up the ante as it plays into the game they are playing with Iran, a ground invasion is hamasā€™s dream scenario, itll be Fallujah part 2, massive IDF casualties and a huge civilian death toll both of which are equally important to Hamas as they aim to push this into a wider conflict with Iran.
The IDF are under orders to eliminate Hamas if such a thing is possible with an endgame of getting some outside body to manage the security and governance of the stripto ensure that Hamas dont come back, now who will that be, the PA or the UN??. no arab country will go near the Palestinians, least of all Hamasā€¦
The Isareli position now rightly or wrongly is that they pulled out entirely of Gaza in 2005, israeli blue IDs are illegal in Gaza, there is no presence there, but after 2 years , Hamas won the battle of gaza , declared they wanted Israel destroyed and here we are ā€¦there that gives the IDF justification and now after the Beā€™eri massacre to eliminate Hamasā€¦ if that involves levelling the place from the air - yeah id say all gloves are off now