A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

This is what confused me tbh, I thought he said his other daughter in Australia rang her mother & was told she was now in Gaza.

Christ itā€™s unbelievable that he is so used to the situation there that he reacted as he did in such horrific circumstances.

God rest the poor girl and all the taken souls.

on the hostages the 30 children held hostage with or without parents has shaken the country to its coreā€¦ i know a woman who woke up screaming here sunday night about it, some of them were orphaned 2 weeks ago and maybe dont know yetā€¦
the protests against Netanyahu on this failing in tel aviv have startedā€¦ right now the country seems deeply split between eliminating Hamas or getting back the hostagesā€¦netanyahu gives his ridiculous speeches about crushing Hamas , the same ones he gives all the time- they have no idea how to get back the hostages and they wont negotiate a prisioner releaseā€¦ its in his political interest to drag this outā€¦but he does know he ultimately cant survive this oneā€¦ to have a chance he must deliver the hosatges and demonstrate hamas have been eliminated but even at that he is toast

I didnā€™t understand his reaction that it was better she was dead than taken either. But maybe thatā€™s a coping mechanism and who knows how anyone would respond to such a horrendous thing happening to them.

Itā€™s an understandable reaction on the basis that her suffering is in the past, not happening now. Dealing with the thought of a loved one suffering alone and not knowing where they are is an extremely difficult thing to experience.

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None id wager
But Iā€™m pro Palestinian :palestinian_territories: independence

yeah im assuming he saw kids mutilated in Beā€™eri also , i mean imagine your 8 year had been kidnapped by people who had just done that?.. i dunno i cant reallyā€¦ not sure how that can be internalised


Here we go


Nakedly genocidal. Isnā€™t it, @Tierneevin1979 ?




Tad bit of a false equivalence there the rotten bastard.


To be fair they would say that.



[2] ā€œIf all the captives are not returned immediately, then turn the Strip into a slaughterhouse. If a hair falls from their head - execute security prisoners. Violate all norms on the way to victoryā€¦ā€

David Mizrahy Verthaim -Editor & Journalist

[3] ā€œGaza has to be wiped off from the face of the earthā€

Shimon Riklin - Journalist

[4] Itā€™s time for Nakba 2

Yinon Magal - Journalist and Politician.

[5] Bring down buildings!! Bomb without distinction!! Stop with this impotence. You have ability. There is worldwide legitimacy! Flatten Gaza. Without mercy! This time, there is no room for mercy!

Revital Gottlieb - Likud MK

[6] ā€œNakba to the enemy now! This day is our Pearl Harbor. We will still learn the lessons. Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. A Nakba in Gaza and a Nakba for anyone who dares to join!..ā€

Ariel Kallner - Likud MK

[7] Say, why exactly do we have an atomic bomb?

Shimon Riklin - Journalist

[8] ā€œGaza started a war with IL todayā€¦When you are at war with another state you donā€™t feed them, you donā€™t provide them with electricity or gas or water or anything else.ā€

Giora Eiland - was an IDF Major General & the former head of IL NSC

[9] ā€œThe world finally understands who the animals we are dealing with areā€¦ This allows the IDF to exact a much heavier price from Gaza. Not only from Hamas. Everyone who is celebrating now in Gaza - should cry. Itā€™s that simple.ā€

Ofer Hadad - Journalist & TV Anchor

[10] ā€œthis [picture of destroyed neighborhood] is how all of Gaza, all of Gazaā€

Yinon Magal - Journalist & Anchor

[11] ā€œJericho Missile! Jericho Missile! Strategic alert. Before considering bringing forces [into Gaza]. Doomsday weapon! This is my opinionā€¦ā€ [According to foreign sources, Jericho Missiles can carry nuclear warheads.]
Revital Gottlieb - Likud MK

[12] ā€œI want a big revengeā€ ā€œI really hope that our revenge, that of the State of Israel, on the cruel enemy - will be a very big revenge. I donā€™t call them human animals because that would be insulting to animalsā€¦ā€

Sara Netanyahu - PMā€™s Wife

[13] [The war] ā€œneeds to be finished with 2 important achievements: Territory: ā€¦ taking control of all the open areas in [Gaza] ā€¦ Population: thinning out the population in the [Gaza] Strip as much as possible by encouraging them to leaveā€¦ā€

Shimon Riklin - Journalist

[14] ā€œitā€™s an entire nation out there that is responsible. itā€™s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware not involved, itā€™s absolutely not trueā€¦ā€

Isaac Herzog - President

[15] ā€œYou are confused, we do not need to bring a significant achievement in Gaza - we need to eliminate Gaza. This means that the area needs to be cleaned."

Yinon Magal - Journalist & Anchor

[16] ā€œI spoke about a million bodies not as a goal, I said that if, in order to finally eliminate the military capabilities of Hamas, including Sinwar and Deif, we need a million bodies, then let there be a million bodiesā€

Roy Sharon - Journalist

[17] ā€œErase Gaza, donā€™t leave a single person there.ā€

Eyal Golan - Popular Singer

[18] ā€œif the goal of this operation is not destruction, occupation, deportation and settlement, we have done nothing. In the end, the whole country will be [Kibbutz] Beā€™eri"

Moshe Feiglin - former Likud MK

[19] ā€œWe must not show mercy to cruel people, there is no place for any humanitarian gestures ā€“ we must erase the memory of Amalek (biblical tribe hostile to the Israelites) ".

Boaz Bismuth - Likud MK

[20] ā€œIt is not Hamas that should be eliminated. Gaza should be razed and Israelā€™s rule should be restored to the place. This is our country."

Moshe Feiglin - former Likud MK

[21] ā€œA leadership that has mercy on monsters who massacred us is not worthy of leadership. A ceasefire for several hours is surrender, it is weakness, humiliation ā€¦ Without crushing Hamas and razing Gaza, we will not have the right to existā€

Revital Gottlieb - Likud MK

In relation to Israelā€™s current military operation, the goal is clear and stated ā€” eliminating Hamas, a genocidal terrorist group following the unprecedented and wanton massacre of civilians. To state the obvious, saving the lives of millions of your citizens from an attempted genocide is an entirely legitimate, legal and just military purpose by any measurement.

Israel, therefore, is acting entirely proportionately and within the law against an enemy that seeks no less than its full destruction.

This article is complete bullshit on the law, but itā€™s accurate on their mindset, absolutely anything is justifiable in defence of Israel and civilian deaths are the fault of our enemies not us.


Hopefully this is true. Theyā€™re time passes youā€™d have to imagine the likelihood of invasion diminishes

Yes but probable alternative the US will concede to Israel will be for them to continue to support them levelling Gaza with bombs is the only thing.


Well this is one way to try get a reaction

:palestinian_territories::israel: Hamas is ready to hand over all civilian hostages to Tehran.

However, Hamas put forward a demand for the release of 6,000 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.