A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


No-one like the yanks for making a calamity out of a crisis. Does anyone else hear echoes of the George bush ‘axis of evil’ shtick - with china and russia stepping in for north korea and iraq.?
Iran has to get what’s coming, thats one of the long term goals of blinken, nuland and co. Erdogan might have scuppered their plans though. …


Would anything change if the hostages are released?

Ok let’s release 10 thousands Palestinian prisoners into Gaza and just obliterate the place anyway. What’s Hamas’ exit strategy here? A strategy that doesn’t end in annihilation of Gaza. Trust the Israelis? Trust the yanks to broker peace? They’re kinda pot committed now.

It might be more suited to the unpopular opinion thread, but I for one would not shed any tears if the IDF got their asses handed to them in a ground invasion. Hamas would have plenty of years to hone their guerrilla warfare tactics and strategies for when the eventual day would come. They’d be the more prepared of the sides, and I feel the Israeli military’s pride and arrogance would soon be replaced with embarrassment. I think it would result in calls to rescind the mandatory conscription of their young citizens, leading to a US style approach of selecting their cannon fodder based on their level of importance to society. Send the poor, along with the children of immigrant laborers.


The IDF is scared shitless about going into Gaza. The entire place is booby trapped. The losses would be immense and would rapidly escalate into a long, pointless mini Vietnam.

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Israelis love their conscription. It’s part of their identity. It commits them all to the country and cements the feeling that its them against the world.

Agreed, but that might change when they start getting taken out by invisible snipers before their post service trips to annoy people in 3rd world countries.
Sweden had conscription until 2010. Hearing men reminiscing about spending long periods of time inside frozen lakes is common.

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They’re actively begging Hezbollah & Co to get involved.

Israel wants to clear Gaza.
Hamas wants to clear Israel.

Unless the Arab nations step in to broker this as opposed to standing back postering the thing is hopeless and will lead to regional turmoil.

the most hardline israelis dont love conscription and actually have exemptions

What would the average Israeli foot soldier be like? I’m presuming a jump up rich kid with no idea what he is at.

I met some of those cunts too! Used to have a couple of sound Israeli mates who told me about it. Massive bonding and indoctrination for the country. Reckoned some of their best mates were from that time.

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You might be as well off stickin to the ponies pal.

The Israeli military is different as well in that encourages sub ordinates to bring their own ideas to the table instead of following a strict chain of command. The theory is called “Rosh Gadol” and credited as one of the reasons why their tech industry is so strong and they have so many start ups.

But they have a shite rugby team.


Exactly. I can’t imagine two or three years of service in the IDF at the age of 18 - with everything that entails - lends itself to a person subsequently having an open minded or balanced view or attitude to reconciliation or peace with their neighbours.

Strange tbh.

Loss of life matched to a healthy reason to obliterate the entire area isn’t what’s needed.

Israel need to play the long game here but with the cunts leading covering the own holes whilst playing up to their extremist followers it’s all just going to get worse.

They are and have been playing the long game. Squeeze them til they die or fuck off. They’ve just added a new bit, which is ‘this is a fine opportunity to take another chunk’.

I’ve noticed that Indian people comment under Israel stuff on twitter a lot with pro Israeli sentiments. I support Israel and an Indian flag kind of thing.

Is it an anti Muslim thing or what I wonder

They can have Heaslip.