A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Israeli-born Heaslip

Its almost like I knew that.

They’d still have a shite rugby team.

In a lot of ways India/Pakistan and Israel/Palestine are similar situations. Vast population movements, two peoples who can’t live together, and partition.

Both the Hindu and Jewish extremists consider Muslims as basically sub-human and themselves as the chosen people.

India and the state of Israel work on a similar basis. They’re controlled by Hindu and Jewish extremists respectively and while there is a minority of Muslims in both states, they pretty much have to keep their heads down. Beyond that there’s Pakistan/Bangladesh and Gaza/the West Bank.


Heard something on the news that the first Jewish wedding in 40 years took place in Belfast recently. I didn’t realise there was so few Jews in Ireland. Probably because we are a nation of Nazi sympathisers.

Their were at least three in dungiven last August

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If you’re wishing to have a crack at colonisation, you need to be prepared for at some point in time, to have to pay the piper.

Would Unionists hate Jews as well as Catholics? Surely even more so given how cross they are over the relatively minor differences between Catholicism and Protestantism

They have an emotional attachment to israel because the tans sent the uvf over to murder arabs …cant remember when exactly but they were brutal- emoloyed them as engineers to clear minefields/marched them across minefields at gunpoint…etc. plus they’re just racist on principle

I suppose if Celtic like the Palestinians, the Orange boys will like the Israelis

You’d regularly see Israeli flags up alongside the butchers apron in Belfast

The flags fly in the estates as already mentioned, but I feel that it is solely to be appearing to support the enemy of the enemy. My knowledge and experience of Northern Ireland is a vitriolic racist hatred of anyone who doesn’t belong to their tribe that dares to inhabit the six counties, especially amongst the unionists. The racial hatred towards minorities there is Juarez level, in comparison to the sneers in the republic. A generalisation, but one that’s not too far off the truth.

There is a claim among some in their community that Ulster Protestants are descendants of the Lost tribe of Israel. Our beautiful arch in the town that goes up each summer has the names of all the tribes on it, though I’ve never met anyone who claims responsibility for the arch. William McGrath and the Tara cell was a bonkers episode even by the standards up here.

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I’m not sure ‘knowledge and experience’ are the right terms to use here?

Perhaps not. I’m sleep deprived and grossly overcaffeinated. It’s still a racist shithole.

It’s a bit mad that the official Israeli line is now that Hamas are worse than ISIS.

They really do love to overegg the pudding as much as they can.

I’d nearly argue that the IDF/Mossad would give the beheaders a good run for their money in terms of morality. Hamas are small fry, at the end of the day even if their backers and paymasters are bigger fish.

There’s a tremendous racism in the Israeli reaction to the Hamas attacks (again, not for a second am I remotely defending the Hamas attacks) and it’s very reminiscent of the reaction in the US after September 11th.

We’ve had explanations ad nauseum from Israel - as we had from the US after September 11th - that “you can’t understand what this attack has done to people in our country. You can’t understand the fear and panic this has caused.”

Well, that’s because you believed you should be immune from this sort of thing. “It isn’t supposed to happen to us.”

But the point is, they don’t give a fuck when they inflict it on anybody else. We never hear “you can’t understand what these attacks have done to the mindset of the civilians of Gaza”.

The US and Israel and much if not most of their citizens look upon the people of places like Gaza as being below the level of shit on their shoes. It’s different for the people of Gaza when they get bombed, because they’re used to it, or something like that. Shure they know no different.
