A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

:zap::palestinian_territories::exclamation:Ceasefire mediations are ongoing between Hamas and Israel, according to Al Jazeera.


Could somebody who hasn’t lost the will to live over all this shit please confirm the following: what is the current received wisdom as to the source of the hospital explosion in Gaza last week?

My loose impression is that it is now thought it may have been an Israeli Iron Dome interceptor missile which was responsible?

Ireland’s very own Malachy Browne of the New York Times has a Twitter thread out recently which from my very thin skim reading may possibly imply such, but I haven’t bothered to actually confirm this.

Absolutely. I could never condone brutality for the sake of brutality but can definitely empathise with not taking a coloniser’s shit lying down. A dose of softness for the underdog also peppers my views.

They left out the spaceship

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They’ve absolutely pummelled Gaza today. The heaviest bombardment so far.


God love them. They’ll be fine, until they reach the point of a false sense of security believing that Hamas have already shot their shot.

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I suspect that the armed and fighting force of Hamas is quite a lot smaller and less effective than people imagine. For now. Those fighters I suspect are well tucked out of harm’s way currently though. I doubt the bombing is killing many fighters. I’d imagine that in fact it’s more likely to swell their ranks, andby giving them even less to lose, making them more dangerous.
Imagine if the Brits had acted on this scale in the north.

I haven’t seen much reports on what kind of resistance the IDF have met on the earlier night raids into Gaza.

Yous would have burned the british embassy twice?

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Leave us out of it.

All remaiming communication networks in Gaza have now been taken out of action by the latest round of airstrikes.

:zap::ireland: On the International Wall in Belfast, a new painting was enacted.

:zap::palestinian_territories: Due to the lack of cellular network and any sort of communication lines in Gaza, Journalists are reporting that Civil Protection and Emergency Services can not function in Gaza because they simply can not be called and informed of places where they may be required.

:zap::palestinian_territories: The remaining few voices in Palestine that can still reach the outside world are calling on for Egypt to allow Egyptian cellular companies to allow Palestinians link their phones to their networks, thus allowing communication

:zap::united_nations: The World Health Organisation says that they have lost contact with their staff in Gaza, health facilities and all their humanitarian partners.

The all new Warsaw Ghetto.

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The West has decided that a genocide shall go ahead unimpeded and this will lead to the end of the West, as right wing, pro-Putin demagogues come to power across Europe as populations entirely lose faith in parties on the spectrum from old left to centre right, and formerly centre right parties drift irrevocably towards the far right.

You can already see how the Labour party and the Democratic party in the US are going to split apart at the seams.

Labour might still have enough to get in next time with soft Tories deserting them but it’ll be a one term deal only and they’ll be out of power for another 20 years after that amid a party civil war and the collapse of grass roots organisation.

The Islamic world isn’t going to take this lying down and the place where it’s easiest for them to take “revenge” is Europe.

They must have dropped hundreds of bombs on Gaza today.

Gunfire now along the border
