A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I think this really highlights the fraud that the UN really is. There should be consequences for the indiscriminate killing of thousands of innocent civilians.

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Not a good look for the Ukrainian government if the above is true. Why would you not want an immediate ceasefire?

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It is true


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You couldnā€™t be up to them cunts in Nauru

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Youā€™d think the Ukrainian government wouldnā€™t abstain on a vote as serious as this. Thousands of lives are at stake. If not more.

Looking from the distance its not great from them to put it mildly.

As bad as Russia are, at least they voted for an immediate truce today. What is Zelensky at abstaining from the vote?

They didnā€™t want a ceasefire in ukraine. Why would they want one in israel?

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You think the Jewish leader of the Ukraine might not be conflicted?

Plenty of Jewish people want an end to this war/genocide too mate. Its the far right government there that is the main problem under Nethanyahu of course along with Hamasā€™s actions on the 7th October. A ground invasion of Gaza and these daily airstrikes are not on though.


The yanks supposedly pushed Ukraine to not go for a ceasefire with Russia.

Boris Johnson did too to be fair.

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Gun battles in the west bank

No supposedly about it. Two prime miniaters and the kiev independent said as much. No wonder zelensky cancelled elections

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What do you think the UN is?


I think the UN is a global organisation thats not fit for purpose. They are not securing world peace at the moment, thatā€™s for sure.

What do you think of Ukraines decision to abstain on a UN vote to a truce today?

How can they honestly ignore the indiscrimate genocide of thousands of civilians in Gaza?

Chief, catch a hold of yourself.

You find it strange that a Country invaded by its neighbour aggressively abstained from this vote as Israel were invaded by terrorists and countless civilians murdered & taken hostage.

Two wrongs donā€™t make a right though mate. A ground invasion is a potential genocide against 2 million people. 50% of which are children under 18. Its breaking all the rules.

Hope Iā€™m wrong but this could be a genocide of completely innocent civilians which is at a level vastly different to anything weā€™ve seen since world war 2.

I donā€™t think any rational government should sit on their hands and look the other way on this.


Heā€™s just asking questions