A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Are you a 12 year old girl now?

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What a lovely simple summary. Are you a twelve year old girl? (Not that theres anything wrong with that)

Ukraine were invaded chief….


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Russia pleading for cessation of conflict in the Middle East whilst still with boots on Ukrainian land is ironic regardless of one’s views on that issue.

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It’s not really. The war in ukraine was a mistake on their part but it was largely a US project…why else would joe and co have forbade a ceasefire?

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False equivalence is something else to behold in full flow.

Its a project that has failed miserably too. Any amount of doubling down on it in terms of weapons etc and money from the west won’t change the result either.

Did they weaken Russia to destabilise the middle east. There’s a long game here that people arent seeing

Russia is weakened certainly economically. But the west have failed with the goal of regime change there. As a result Russia obviously now is far more aligned with Iran and the BRICs block etc. Its a shitshow to be honest given Irans ties then to Hezbollah and Hamas.

I’m starting to think the project is working perfectly tbh.

Weapons sales are good.
Weapons testing is good.

Global markets making certain companies a lot of money……

Etc etc etc

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Just an ongoing project to maintain the monopoly. Russia, china, europe, the middle east are all just pieces on the board

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So it was a project. Whatever happened to the good vs evil worldview you’ve been protecting so arduously

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Vlad is doing okay too you can be sure.

But russia is concerned in ukraine and now you’ve hotspots popping up in eastern europe and the middle east. Theres a bigger geopolitical game happening here. The west is going to have to push for oil at some stage

These Arab representatives at UN making the usual noises about Gaza whilst refusing to open borders or take in refugees.

They would sicken your shit

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There is a bigger geopolitical game going on for sure. I think thats ultimately the US vs China for the status of world leader/super power. The Taiwan situation could boil over on that yet too.

Egypt seem to be a sensational shower of cunts that way. Agreed.

Why won’t europe take them in. Don’t condemn out of one side of your mouth

Funny how the penny dropped round here. Youve about five absolute imbeciles defiantly sticking to the narrative of the last couple of years. Everyone else is fully signed up to the awkward squad.

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