Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Itā€™s cold today.

Did somebody really threaten to go to your employer? With what exactly?
I actually thought you were a full time farmer :grinning:

Iā€™ve had somebody threaten to go to my employer, but nothing Iā€™ve posted here would embarrass me much

I know, remarkableā€¦

Are you gonna deal with the rest of my post? You get very put out if I donā€™t answer all your little questions?
Who threatened to go to your employer and with what!

Peopleā€™s employment have been mentioned here frequently. My own was mentioned twice only a few months back which shows you the lengths people are going to on here. @TheUlteriorMotive has had his club and underage teams posted multiple times alsoā€¦ Itā€™s gas how you are blind to all this when it involves a certain someone


Avdivka just about gone

Thatā€™s not true at all

Youā€™ll know well that Iā€™ve had a certain person threaten to go to my employer with some child danger bullshit, but itā€™s all silly stuff, Iā€™m not terribly worried about being doxxed because I havenā€™t committed any crimes here or disgraced myself.
In the same way that people would throw aspersions at me quite regularly I wouldnā€™t take any of the stuff thrown at @TheUlteriorMotive seriously, itā€™s certainly no worse than being labelled a paedophile or supporter of paedophiles or a danger to children etc

Iā€™m pretty sure that nobody here thinks he spat on a child (was that the thing?), his club is no secret

Youā€™ve frequently mentioned your professionā€¦ Iā€™ve never mentioned mine yet it was posted :person_shrugging:t2:

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Thought you were stuck for time mate?

In actual fact I was forced to admit to my profession because I was living such a high life in the summertime and it was speculated so muchšŸ˜€
One poster has often posted my school even though he has it wrong :man_shrugging:
But a lot of people here know where I work, I donā€™t overvalue my privacy

I obviously missed that day because it have no idea what you do for a living, who employs a history PHD :grinning:


Thereā€™s no future in history.

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FYI employers


The TFK Gemmas would remind you of the Israelis the way they consider themselves eternal and total victims, spamming the board constantly with the forum equivalent of Gary Dempsey rants into camera phones in parked cars in dark supermarket car parks.

Iā€™d say agent is probably more accurate.

Those slutty invadee countries, they were asking for it.

Fascists see rape as an expression of strength and alpha male masculinity, they love it.

Putin has invoked the language of rape before about Ukraine and framed rape as a positive thing.

That appeals to his cheerleaders on this forum and elsewhere, and to Carlson and the Trump cult.

Whatā€™s this?? I never went looking into you.

Are you worried your employer will find out?

You put up my real name on the Whodunnit thread in June 2020. You deleted it when I mentioned it first.

You know full well what you did.

It wasnā€™t the first time something like that happened either - one of the Limerick posters here put up my Facebook profile picture on this forum in January 2018.

Funny how the Gemmas of this forum tolerated that just fine.

TNH but if you need the pity party go for it.

Seeing as you screenshot things and hold them for years Iā€™m sure you have proof. Fire it up