A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


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Hezbollah will be a different proposition for them

A Palestinian restaurant in Dublin put up a mural of a Palestinian flag on their wall and they’ve been inundated one star reviews.

Often gone past that place, never gone in. Any good? Reviews aren’t great…

was in germany last week. theyre all very much for israel. couldnt understand it when i said i blame the brits. the kriegsorge is unrale

Food looks great, I’ll have to go there now. As a microcosm of how Israel responds to things it’s illustrative and bonkers.

@Cheasty, is Israel a post-truth society consumed by it’s own propaganda?

As far as I can see, mostly.

This fella is a particularly shameless twister of truth.




Are these boys just waiting for Hamas to soften up the Israelis?

Israel have one of the most advanced militaries in the world. It’s been fairly impressive how they’ve advanced in Gaza. Looks like they have drones with cameras that can pick up any heat / movement. As soon as it’s detected they direct fire on that location. I think they’ve only lost around 40 soliders so far.

Hezbolllah have better gear alright and it’s a different kettle of fish of Israel to actually advance into Lebanon to take them on.

Great that only the Hamas insurgents emanate heat. Serious tech.


The IDF released a video of a supposed Hamas operations center under a hospital. They also claimed to have found a list of the Hamas soldiers who had been guarding hostages in the basement


Hezbollah produce some high quality video of their attacks


Ibrahim is desperately trying to get Abdullah to cover the morning shift on Thursday for him as he’s promised to take his son playing crazy golf.


It doesn’t get called for that at all, treated with kid gloves.

Ya they steam rolled Gaza. It’ll surely be over in a few short days?

It was over by Oct 14th

Where did that IDF/ Mossad heat-movement technology go on the 7th October?

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It was being used to track Lebanese citizens threatening to break more world records in the hummus categories.

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From 2005, the most moral army in the world™.

An Israeli army officer who fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old was acquitted on all charges by a military court yesterday.

The soldier, who has only been identified as “Captain R”, was charged with relatively minor offences for the killing of Iman al-Hams who was shot 17 times as she ventured near an Israeli army post near Rafah refugee camp in Gaza a year ago.

The manner of Iman’s killing, and the revelation of a tape recording in which the captain is warned that she was just a child who was “scared to death”, made the shooting one of the most controversial since the Palestinian intifada erupted five years ago even though hundreds of other children have also died.

After the verdict, Iman’s father, Samir al-Hams, said the army never intended to hold the soldier accountable.

“They did not charge him with Iman’s murder, only with small offences, and now they say he is innocent of those even though he shot my daughter so many times,” he said. “This was the cold-blooded murder of a girl. The soldier murdered her once and the court has murdered her again. What is the message? They are telling their soldiers to kill Palestinian children.”