A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

This is decent from Harris. Ireland is one of the few countries where the government is largely in step with the population on this.



This is all getting rather pathetic.


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Where was that video shared and did it get much reach? Presumably not any official or prominent channels?

He is spot on their in fairness.

Seems to be primarily shared by that Edy Cohen account but I would wager it was copied and shared by many other accounts. 13.4 million views on the Edy Cohen account alone.

This is some good satire on Israel’s propaganda:


They’re saying the quiet bit out loud again.


As I predicted from the start.

And the Israelis still haven’t allowed any irish out of Gaza.

1:30pm here sees Pastor John Hagee take to the stage at this demonstration in Washington today as an “ally of Israel”.

This would be the same John Hagee who claimed God sent Hitler. Some quare oul’ allies Israel has.

They won’t either id say Mike. They don’t give a bollix about anyone trapped in Gaza.

It is kind of consistent with the concept of Christian Zionism, bonkers an’ all as it is


The snowflakes only like it when they are the ones doing the cancelling it seems.

Are the UN ever going to get involved in Gaza, what’s the point of the organisation if they don’t step in in situations like these. As useless as the league of nations.

Moral of the story: don’t retweet Joe.

Doesn’t mean the video is kosher though.


The news said isreal is doimg a raid on that hospital that they claim is hamas HQ, interesting to see if they find an ungrounded bunker or is it a WMD in Iraq situation

It’s pretty hamstrung by the whole 5 permanent members of the Security Council and their vetoes. An absolute farce

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Any further updates on this? From watching the first few seconds of the video it doesn’t seem in any way authentic.

Seems it’s a fake video but the identity of the person in it isn’t known.


This is an ethnic cleansing of the area.
They are goint to reduce Gaza to rubble and then tell what’s left of the Palestinians they are free to return there and live under Israeli occupation.
