A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Fuck Israel they are bunch of cunts


How low can these guys actually go?

Now it’s time for them to evacuate south Gaza


I wonder if the world is waking up to them after this.

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This is so unexpected, who on earth could have guessed it would happen, it’s a total shock, nobody could have even imagined they would do this, knock me down with a feather, knock the world down with a feather.

I’m pretty much always right about this shit and I hate it.

You’d have to believe at this stage that certain Arab nations & America are happy enough for Israel to take over the strip at this stage.

Why? They’ve said the opposite.

They’re sitting back as it unfolds chief.

“Taking over the Gaza strip” is not a precise statement. It means different things to different people. It seems to mean an entirely different thing to Israel than it means to the rest of the world. Publicly only.

Israel knows it is lying, the rest of the world knows Israel is lying, Israel knows that the rest of the world knows it is lying, and the rest of the world knows that Israel knows that the rest of the world knows Israel is lying.

The fall out of this will last decades. Acquiescence with Israel’s genocide will completely destroy any western moral credibility for the rest of our lifetimes and is deeply short sighted. Politicians in the west know this which is why some of them are trying to distance themselves from it as much as they can while privately bending over.


They’re not going to invade Israel to stop it.

The Iranians through Hezbollah, specifically said they would

Edy Cohen at it again.


They didn’t really. Heavy on rhetoric but they’ve not acted.

To who… the jews?

Yes, someone called them out on Twitter and now the wokesters believe things are gonna change

They’re at it again, with their existing. Brazen

Great banter from Israel

No, they’re making sure they dont run out of ammo and backing them with a fleet of warships

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