A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Christ that’s an execrable attempt at comedy. Makes Leave It To Mrs. O’Brien look like Fawlty Towers. Jews might have a long record of producing great comedy but Israelis sure don’t.

Is that Twitter guy paying you to constantly link to him or what?

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You’d have to query that one.

It wouldn’t be a great idea to be telling anyone about a surprise attack so it’s hard to see Iran being put out over not knowing it.


From The Guardian. Jess Phillips’s resignation letter is below.

Eight shadow ministers quit or face sack from Starmer’s frontbench over Labour’s opposition to Gaza ceasefire

Labour leader Keir Starmer has seen a big rebellion of eight shadow ministers – including Jess Phillips – from a total of 56 Labour MPs who voted with the SNP on an amendment to the king’s speech calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The rebels on the front bench included Phillips, Rachel Hopkins, Sarah Owen, Afzal Khan, Paula Barker, Naz Shah, Yasmin Quereshi and Andy Slaughter. Two parliamentary private secretaries also left.

The 56 Labour MPs rejected Starmer’s position, which calls for a “credible, diplomatic and political process” to deliver a peaceful two-state solution in between Israel and Palestine. The SNP motion called for an immediate ceasefire.

The rebellion signals how the divisions over views on the Israel-Hamas conflict have the potential to tear Labour apart – a point of contention that Starmer will face tough questions about as the country gears up for a general election in the next year.

The biggest name to leave the front bench was Phillips, who said in a statement: “On this occasion I must vote with my constituents, my head, and my heart … I can see no route where the current military action does anything but put at risk the hope of peace and security for anyone in the region now and in the future.”

After the vote, Starmer said: “I regret that some colleagues felt unable to support the position tonight. But I wanted to be clear about where I stood, and where I will stand.”

Three Labour frontbenchers resigned in the minutes before the vote, after Starmer made clear that those voting for the ceasefire amendment would be sacked.


What’s the opposite of nominative determinism


Andy sounds quite similar to Anti so maybe it is nominative determinism.



Underrated comment

Officer Rob Banks

The Israeli PR offensive is pretty shit


Do you think Iran will get into a war with Israel now?

savage row on Piers Morgan right now. great viewing


Morgan is having a superb genocide


Which of you looney lefties was this in UCD shouting at the Jewish lady?


Are even the BBC starting to question to the Israeli narrative? Is this a genuine BBC report?




They are so brazen now in their dealings with the media or anyone who questions any of their Military reporting it’s ridiculous.

What’s the general feeling of the civilian community in Israel at the moment @mickee321

Same thing happening all over US campuses since October 7th, pro Hamas protests, attacks on Jewish students, so called educators tearing down posters of Jewish hostages. Members of congress supporting pro Hamas groups on social media.

The latest leftist idea that has gone viral is Bin Laden was a freedom fighter and 9/11 was justified. Apparently anyone who kills white “colonizers” is a hero.

But Musk liked a tweet questioning why foolish Jewish Americans fall for this Marxist nonsense… far more serious.

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