A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

It is baffling how the IDF can give detailed info of the tunnel network under a hospital in Gaza without showing actual proof vs then not having a clue of an incursion by 3000 odd Hamas militants on Oct 7th.

It all smells wrong.

Hamas are cunts undoubtedly but Israel are cleansing Gaza now, nothing else.

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Hamas need to be wiped off the face of the planet, just like ISIS was, and just like all Islamist terrorist groups need to be. Leftists in the west who are pro Hamas need to be called out for what they are, lunatics.

A recent poll conducted by Arab World for Research and Development found that there is overwhelming support for Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups among Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, and that 75% approved of the October 7th massacre. Have a think about that, 75% of a civilian population approve of a group who slaughtered and raped over a thousand innocents, and laughed their heads off doing it.


The mask is way off at this stage, mate. You’re now an apologist for an actual Hitler admirer and rabid Jew hater in Elon Musk. All the ranting about Jew haters for years and it turns out you’ve been just fine with it the whole time. Maybe the FBI weren’t so far off the mark when they got on to you…

Don’t argue the point but the actions currently being deployed to carry the action out will only see others join a queue to replace them.

You know that chief.

Im starting to have doubts over the fact that 1400 Israelis were murdered on 7th October, I saw one video from the rave and there was about 20 killed, there was supposed to be 260 dead

What should Israel have done in response to October 7th?
Be specific.

It’s comical how the people who were rabidly in favour of the invasion of Iraq at the time and then spent years trying to claim they were against it by kissing the ass of Trump suddenly pivot back in a heartbeat to being in favour of mindless slaughter.

@Tierneevin1979 is a fundamentally unserious moron.

Proper security first of all. What the fuck kind of defence force allows 3000 militants cross such a guarded border?

Fuck sake man, the Israelis are noted for their intelligence force.

It’s seems all too simply pulled off by Hamas

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One which is pulled out of the kibbutz areas of the south with their peaceniks and transferred to aiding and abetting the fascist settlers trying to ethnically cleanse the West Bank.

By a fascist government.

This is now an unquestionable reality which is a sorry sorry tale considering their horrific history in Europe

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They got complacent as Hamas did a good job pretending they had given up terrorism and were focused on spending the billions donated to them on humanitarian and commercial efforts. Hamas also had significant help in planning and execution, from Iran and likely also Russia.

But your avoiding the question, what should Israel have done in response to October 7th? Maybe to help clarify your mind, imagine it was another country, say a western European country. A few thousand militants cross the border and murder over a thousand people, rape and mutilate hundreds of women, slaughter children including babies.

How would say France or Germany respond? I would imagine they would go after the group responsible and wipe them off the face of the planet.

The whole of the west knows it’s a fascist government and is now trying to cover its arse from being publicly associated with a genocide.

@mickee321 has already given us the lowdown on Itamir Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich on several occasions.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s open modus operandi was to provoke the murder of Yitzhak Rabin and to fund Hamas.

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How did Cave of the Patriarchs massacre go down in Israeli/Palestine history

It’s not up to anybody on this forum to clean up Israel’s own self-inflicted problems for them.

Hotheaded revenge is not a strategy. If you’ve no strategy beyond a genocide which threatens to unleash problems on the region and the world which dwarf that of the war in Iraq, you’re best off doing nothing.

Which is exactly what the US should have done after September 11th.


Infiltrate Hamas and take the leadership apart bit by bit.

They being able to infiltrate Islamist groups for decades ffs.

We both know they could and can do that but driving Palestinians out of the land now is a better reaction whilst freeing up more land….

Well said @Cheasty

Lads flying over on paragliders on the 7th October without being detected or stopped doesnt make any sense.

It’s almost like they knew what was coming and let the mayhem kick off…


I wouldnt rule it out with the far right regime in charge there.

The biggest mistake Israel made was allowing Hamas take over Gaza and turn it into a terrorist breeding ground and proxy launch pad for Iran. Whatever hope there was of a 2 state solution is now gone forever, how in the name of fuck can you have two states, side by side, where one is dedicated to the destruction of the other? Allied with a large power (Iran ) that is also dedicated to your destruction.

Why is it the Arab states don’t want the Palestinians? There were 400,000 alone fucked out of Kuwait in a few days after the first gulf war, because they supported Saddam Hussein’s invasion. Why does Eqypt have a high security border to keep them out? Because they are lunatics and the most extreme supporters of Islamic Jihad in the region. Something the rest of the Arab world is starting to move away from, and thankfully so.

Leftists in the west are utterly insane on this question, hard to fathom, but self loathing seems to be the main motivation.