A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

It’s a long shot but maybe the average citizen in both countries might just have enough and want peace?

It eventually happened in the North of Ireland.

One side dedicated to the destruction of the other”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Turn off Fox News, mate.

Again, is it fair to cast every Palestinian citizen like that?

I’d argue the they’re the perfect buffer zone in which Israel are constantly on guard of and their occupation by Israel is music to Arab nations ears.

They have being a constant stone in Israel’s sandal. The provocation created and reactions caused suits neighbouring Arab nations.

From following on Twitter, there seems to be loads of Israeli activity in the West Bank too over the last week but not much reports of resistance?

You would hope so, and perhaps the PA taking over Gaza will ultimately get us there. But Hamas and their ilk have to go.

Here’s another reason Hamas have to go, and why leftists in the west are lunatics for supporting the Palestinian “cause”. There are hundreds of gay Palestinian aslylum seekers in Israel, this unfortunate made the mistake of visiting the West Bank.

But gays for Palestine, or something, something.

There are a lot of questions to be answered in the fullness of time about exactly what intelligence Israel had in advance of October 7th.

The death toll has been revised down from around 1400 to around 1200. The difference being that 200 of what were believed to be Israeli victims are now believed to be Hamas.

But how does such a confusion arise? Bodies that are so mutilated that they are extremely hard to identify, that’s how. Who mutilated the bodies of the 200 Hamas attackers? And does that raise other questions?

You can drag up as many horrendous individual stories as you like, none of it will never amount to an excuse for genocide, which what Israel is doing is - because it has clear intent.

Very valid questions there. To add to that, did Mossad and the IDF not have any informants in Hamas. They surely had. I’d be shocked if they didnt. Plus Israel have facial recognition technology that is off the charts across the border. Second to none by all accounts. Reports also stated that Egypt advised them that an attack was imminent.

I find it hard to believe that they dropped their guard that much and also let as many rockets even hit locations in Israel given their anti rocket technology. They usually take out 99% of them I thought anyway.

Lot of questions for sure.

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Grimly hilarious. The “Hamas command centre” at Al Shifa was another Daily Mail Tora Bora diagram of a fictional “You Only Live Twice” style cavern.

South Gaza will be levelled like North Gaza. Maybe they’ll fly a trans flag this time as propaganda. Fucking cunts.


It’s sickening.

But, and I hope I’m wrong here.
If they do flatten Southern Gaza and make it uninhabitable then the retribution really does kick in.

Arab groups are as bad as the Israel government, they’re letting this unfold to take a so called legitimate pop off Israel once they’ve committed the final atrocity.

The main reasons are that Ben Gvir wants the IDF to assist in the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank and manpower was transferred away from the south. Those kibbutzes are not the people of Ben Gvir or Netanyahu. Ben Gvir and Netanyahu didn’t give a fuck about them, until the deaths of those people could be used as pretext for genocide.

The government itself is a fascist car crash with Netanyahu desperately trying to avoid being brought to justice and desperately trying to hobble the Israeli judiciary, ie. to destroy democracy.

This Israeli government will be seen as one of history’s great villains.

Hamas don’t have anywhere near the military capability to make life difficult for the IDF. It’s a turkey shoot.

Those hostages are all ending up dead if they’re not already dead. And whatever the truth, the line Hamas will spin is that they were killed by Israeli bombing. Israeli society will end up tearing itself apart over the fate of those hostages. The families will be like the mothers of the disappeared in Argentina.


There’s a fine example of racism and stupidity.

@Tierneevin1979 is the sort that would defend the US barring Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis.

“Ask yourself, why did the US not want to take them in?”

There’s nothing there to resist. There’s rabid extremist Jewish settlers armed to the teeth backed up by the army driving people out of the their homes. They’ve killed 200 Palestinians is recent weeks.


Agreed the Arab states are extremely racist towards Palestinians.

Similar to your own hatred of Irish travellers.

For the benefit of @Tierneevin1979: Elon Musk believes and promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the sort promoted by Gemma O’Doherty. He’s a subscriber to the Great Replacement, which is the Kalergi Plan conspiracy theory. What’s more, the most influential section of the American right wing fully subscribes to these anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

And even more obviously, Musk’s tweet the other night was designed to vindicate three particular words, which were: “Hitler was right”.

This is the stuff you defend. Don’t ever mention the phrase “anti-Semite” ever again, because that is exactly what you are - a classic rabidly pro-Israel rabid anti-Semite.

The Israel lobby has never really cared about anti-Semitism. Look at this shit. You almost have to admire the brass neck of bending over this much.


Yeah mate, sure wipe out the US whilst your at it. It’s only fair. ‘It’s like a target on our house’: homophobic murder sparks fears for those flying Pride flag | LGBTQ+ rights | The Guardian

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Israel found fuck all at Al Shifa hospital, so they’re going to flatten the place.

Fuck Israel.



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