A new low for Israel. How low can they go?


Max Blumenthal is one of these charlatans like Jackson Hinkle and Lucas Gage who pretend to care about human rights when it suits their horrific geopolitical opinions and when doing so will gain them gullible new Twitter followers, a profile, and $$$$$$$$$.

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About as sincere as Damien from drop the dead donkey

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Seems like the IDF bombed a school early this morning.


Covid has given a licence to cunts to wear masks to mask their identity.


Reports in the Israeli media that the IDF have admitted that Apahce Helicopters opened fire on people fleeing the Nova music festival and may have been responsible for some of the deaths of concert goers.


The damage to the cars wasn’t caused by AK47s and rocket propelled grenades. That struck me straight away. They were mangled by mini guns and missiles

If 200 Hamas guys were originally thought to be Israelis, that means the bodies must have been mutilated beyond recognition. And it makes no sense that Hamas would be mutilating themselves. Which means somebody else has to have done it.

The hospital explosion which was widely attributed to a rocket fired from inside Gaza is now believed by the New York Times and Washington Post to have come from a missile from inside Israel. It’s interesting that this hasn’t been widely publicised.

I’m struggling at this stage to think of any big claims made by Israel which have actually stood up.




They took an injured hostage to hospital?

They are really grasping now that they haven’t uncovered the supposed command center under the hospital

Wasn’t the festival a Festival for Peace?

If the Israelis blew the fuck out of their own people that surely removes the “logic” behind their genocide and the war crime investigations can begin

Listening to an Israeli chap there and he just said this theory of yours is complete crap.

He said no matter what Israel try and do Hamas will rise up again whether it’s 10 years time or 20 years time.

All Israel have done is ensured the next version of Hamas is every more extreme and more dangerous.



Who’s firing these ?

The concept of religious superiority exemplifies the intellectual shortcomings in human behavior, where individuals claim justification for wielding authority over others based on the perceived benevolence of their chosen form of God. The persistence of such notions highlights the intellectual hurdles humanity faces, underscoring the need for further evolution in collective understanding and tolerance.

Kyle Hayes

That would be an Ecumenical matter!

Strangely enough I was listening to an Israeli over the weekend and he was saying the opposite.
Imagine that, people with different viewpoints.

85% of Americans support Israel and 70% believe Hamas needs to be eliminated. As long as that is the case American foreign policy won’t change and Israel can do what they want.