A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Has there ever been as horrific of a war scene as watching premature babies, probably already fucked, being evacuated from Gaza?

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He’s clearly an anti-Semite for saying that.

Blood libel.

In the contemporary quest for notoriety in the pantheon of evil, the Israelis are certainly a formidable contender, steadily & ironically converging with Nazi Germany.


Hamas’s responsibility for it should not be forgotten either.

Each actor is responsible for their own actions. Hamas is responsible for its atrocities. Israel is responsible for its own actions and atrocities.

Hamas is surely a result of the Israelis treating Palestinians absolutely terribly for generations?


So you can just turn up to a music festival in vans with machine guns and blow away two hundred odd people?

I never said that.

No but you placed the blame for the existence of Hanas, and hence their actions, at the hands of Israel.

Nothing to do with Hamas themselves.

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No I didn’t.

I said Hamas are a result of the way the Israelis treated Palestinians over the years.

I never said any of Hamas actions are ok.


Very poor quality debating there @farmerinthecity. By your logic John Hume was automatically a supporter of the Provos because he understood they didn’t exist in a vacuum.

I would have thought it should be very easy to understand the concept that understanding how eight decades of treating a people like shit makes appalling violence inevitable is a very different thing to supporting such violence, to supporting the mass murder of civilians.

Israel deliberately and lyingly equates any adding of context to the debate, with support for civilian murder. While Israel itself openly utters genocidal rhetoric.

You also omit how Israel has openly primed Hamas for decades as a way to divide the Palestinian movement and to sow chaos and confusion within it.

Benjamin Netanyahu absolutely takes a large share of blame for the October 7th massacre. He provoked the murder of Rabin, he openly advocated the funding of Hamas and it was his fault that Israel had a catastrophic security failure on October 7th.

Here’s the first line of Haaretz’s editorial on October 8th: “The disaster that befell Israel on the holiday of Simchat Torah is the clear responsibility of one person: Benjamin Netanyahu.”


Throughout history, whenever a group of people faces the bleak reality of oppression and abuse, the desperate turn to violence becomes an unfortunate consequence. It’s crucial to acknowledge that blame doesn’t exist in isolation; oppressors play a significant role in shaping the circumstances.


It also shouldn’t be forgotten that Israel’s behaviour does not exist in a vacuum.

There is no solution to this that won’t lead to lots of Israeli’s dying.

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What’s that line? Beware of the fury of a patient man? It’s sort of like that. The Palestinians had the choice of a slow death or a quick death. They were backed into a corner. I don’t condone what they done but I can see how it happened.

It’s the nature of that violence which can’t be overlooked. It’s deliberately indiscriminate, vengeful and downright evil. It’s basically ISIS-esque.

Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood which was established in 1928, 20 years before Israel was founded. Their goals are the same, the establishment of an Islamic state governed by Sharia law with all that entails. They are no differnet to ISIS, same goals and same methods.

It’s nonsense to portray them as the result of oppression, when their own stated goals are to wipe out all Jews and other infidels.

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Has that been verified?


:rofl: Poynter. It may as well be the torah