A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

I accept all that.

The point I am trying to make is that Hamas are a shower of bastards. What they stand for, whether you believe it is the annihilation of Israel at most extreme or a fundamentalist Muslim state in Palestine at the most basic, is something deeply concerning. These are not ā€˜freedom fightersā€™, they are anything but.

In terms of Israel, any country that pulls electricity (indeed has put themselves in the position to be able to do it) on a hospital indiscriminately on innocent civilians is beyond words. Utterly disgusting. The sight of those premature babies yesterday. The definition of innocence. Helplessness. :cry:


Few shops in Ennistymon are donating the proceeds of sales on Black Friday to the relief effort in Palestine. Saw some notices on doors there yesterday. Nice touch


nor the brits role in all of this

Didnā€™t the Brits initially refuse Israel access to the lands?

they also created the concentration camps

Was a good documentary on BBC4 last night on the history of the disputes until Rabins assassination & the rise of Hamas.

Rabins predecessor seemed a serious cunt altogether.

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Itā€™s a bit amusing that yer man writing that says ā€œIt has become publicly, a black and white issue, without any nuance allowed in public discourseā€ about the Germans when essentially heā€™s taken the same approach except from the other side.

Has he? Explain how so.

The whole of the article for a start shows absolutely no nuance but just to pick out one example of his non-nuanced approach he says ā€œSupport for the Palestinian people, of which, over 13,000 people have been killed by Israel in their stated war against Hamas after the October 7th kidnapping of 250 people and the attacks at the Nova Music festival,ā€ -

now I would have thought that at the very least mentioning how many were murdered on Oct 7th might be a reasonable thing to do here - or even mentioning that some were murdered at all ā€¦

his point is a pro Palestinian or anti Israeli stance is pretty much not allowed

And more went on than just the music festival and the hostage taking, of which at least one was an eight year old girl.

Lads like @glasagusban who have been callling for hate speech legislation have absolutely no problem with people marching through the streets chanting ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ which is a direct call for genocide of Jews. You coudlnā€™t make it up.

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I think itā€™s a bit much from you to be expecting a music blogger/journalist to cover all angles of the politics. Heā€™s not wrong about censorship in Germany and heā€™s further not wrong that support for Palestine is not antisemitic or in any way wrong.

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Perhaps he should have attached a brief history of the middle east as an addendum to the article altogether.

No he shouldnā€™t,

The basic facts would have sufficed.

Thatā€™s quite a straw man youā€™ve stuck up there that I expected him to ā€œcover all the angles of the politicsā€ . Good man. :joy:

Another example of the garbled mind of the leftist. ā€œFrom the river to the seaā€ is not a humantarian support slogan for Palestinians, itā€™s a direct call for genocide of Jews and direct support for the aims and methods of Hamas.

Heā€™s a music journo, he mentioned the attacks and number kidnapped, that he didnā€™t reference the number killed means heā€™s treated it as a black and white issue without any nuance? Thatā€™s quite a stretch. Would you ever come off it. His essential point was about the censorship.

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Should he also have emphasised Israelā€™s right to self defence and that he condemns Hamas?

That he condemns Hamas - absolutely.

If he said nothing else, that would be enough.