A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

Why? Should all his articles be prefaced with a condemnation of Hamas? The article is about censorship in Germany.

No it isnā€™t.

This however very definitely is genocidal.

Israel needs to create a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, compelling tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands to seek refuge in Egypt or the Gulf.


In order for this to happen, Israel needs to demand four key points with greater determination than ever before:

  1. The entire population of Gaza will either move to Egypt or move to the Gulf. From our perspective, every building in Gaza known to have Hamas headquarters underneath, including schools and hospitals, is considered a military target.
  2. Every vehicle in Gaza is considered a military vehicle transporting combatants. Therefore, there is no vehicular traffic, and it does not matter whether it is transporting water or other critical supplies.
  3. The UN secretary-general has initiated humanitarian aid to Gaza. The Israeli condition for any aid should be a visit by the Red Cross to Israeli hostages and especially the civilians among them. Until this happens, no aid of any kind will be permitted to enter into Gaza.
  4. Intermediators with both diplomatic and military experience will be required to explain in detail these concepts to the rest of the world. It will not be possible to remove Hamas without exerting pressure and if the Americans do not receive a clear and detailed explanation from Israeli officials and understand that Israel has no choice. It is comparable to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, which led to the launch of an atomic bomb in Japan.

As a result, Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist, and I say this as a means rather than an end. I say this because there is no other option for ensuring the security of the State of Israel. We are fighting an existential war.

  • Giora Eiland is a senior research associate at the Institute for National Security Studies and former head of the Israeli National Security Council.
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Because itā€™s pretty bloody important in terms of the overall topic of discussion.

Would you come off it yourself. One read of that article shows that heā€™s coming from a very black and white perspective on it without any shade of nuance. Fair enough as you say - heā€™s only a music journalist (although as an aside heā€™s fairly happy to wade in to this) and if thatā€™s what he wants to do so be it. However, my initial comment was solely noting his dismay at the black and white nature of debate in Germany when clearly he believes similarly except the other way.

As an aside - on your ā€œcensorshipā€ point - it would appear (from the exact same article) that Lankum are playing 3 other sold out shows in Germany - which would diminish the argument that itā€™s black and white in Germany or that there is censorship ā€¦

Interesting article on the origins of ā€˜the river to the seaā€™ slogan, its co-option by Hamas in 1980s and how it means different things to different people today.

The topic of discussion was cancellation of a concert because of the bands expression of support for Palestine. Thatā€™s the subject of the report. Why do you think itā€™s necessary to add I condemn Hamas? I think thatā€™s nonsense.

I disagree that heā€™s waded in in a black and white way, as you put it. He does appear to be black and white that the censorship in Germany has gone bonkers, heā€™d be correct there.

Remarkable yet totally predictable how the Israel lobby immediately goes after Gary Lineker for linking to a video by a Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies yet remains silent over Elon Muskā€™s open anti-Semitism and actively platforms Douglas Murray saying how the Nazis werenā€™t really that bad after all.


Itā€™s gone bonkers in a lot of places - not just Germany. You wouldnā€™t believe it but you had some bonkers people in Ireland suggesting we cancel an ambassador for example

Well mainly because itā€™s the right thing to do and also it would show that heā€™s not biased in the other direction.

If thatā€™s so then Iā€™d like to see you preface every post you make with ā€œI condemn Hamasā€ because itā€™s the right thing to do.

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Thatā€™s entirely different. Itā€™s advocating for a form of protest at Israelā€™s actions from our government (I donā€™t agree with it). Youā€™re conflating things all over the place.

Did you brand people who supported cutting off diplomatic relations with apartheid South Africa and Russia as ā€œbonkersā€?

I can see why Ireland is not throwing out the Israeli ambassador for the moment because Irish citizens are caught up in this, but having the Israeli ambassador as a guest of honour at the Fianna Fail Ard Fheis was distasteful, to say the very least of it.

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Hamas made it very clear on October 7th what ā€œfrom the river to the sea meansā€, it means ā€œkill the Jewsā€. 75% of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank not just support Hamas but approve of the actions of Hamas on October 7th. In case people need to be reminded, that included slaughtering parents in front of their children, slaughtering children in front of their parents, gang raping teenage girls and slaughtering and dismembering toddlers and babies.

Anyone using the phrase ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ in the West is either a Hamas supporter or an absolute fucking moron. If you want to support the Palestinian people, find another phrase.

as a matter of interest whoā€™s used that here or are you just gone off the deep end?

Do you condemn Israelā€™s genocide of Gaza?

Iā€™d broadly agree with the argument that cutting off diplomatic relations with almost any nation in almost situation is not a particularly constructive thing to do - no matter how immoral, criminal or hateful their actions are.

The word bonkers was to echo its previous use. That being said Iā€™d comfortably use it about most of the main public persons pushing the eject the Israeli ambassador agenda - and not just about their views on that ā€¦

Was she a ā€œguest of honourā€? I doubt it. Itā€™s normal for ambassadors to go to or be invited to political party conventions. Israel was criticised at the convention and she was there to listen to it, thatā€™s good.

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I donā€™t think it was bonkers to ostracise apartheid South Africa completely from the international community and I donā€™t think it would be bonkers to ostracise Russia completely from the international community.

I donā€™t think it would be bonkers to have a wide ranging economic and international boycott of Israel, I think it is needed.

But interests will almost always trump morals.

The westā€™s prioritisation of interests here is what is going to completely destroy its credibility as a moral arbiter. The double standard compared to Ukraine is far too obvious.

Weā€™re discussing the pro Palestinian protests across Europe, all of which have had that chant used and most of which have openly Hamas supporters.