A new low for Israel. How low can they go?

We didn’t expel the Russian ambassador.

However politicians, mainly of a hard-left persuasion, who’ve made no demands for any sort of diplomatic ties in that conflict to be cut suddenly are shouting loudly for the Israeli ambassador to be ejected.

Now that’s a fairly blatant double standard

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I don’t think expelling the ambassador would be “bonkers”. But it wouldn’t be useful and I wouldn’t agree with it. It would probably be counterproductive for Ireland to do it.

The mistake the pro-Palestine marchers across the world are making is they don’t have flaming torches and aren’t chanting “Jews will not replace us”. Then you’d probably support them. “Very fine people” and all that.

What’s your evidence for a genocide? 20% of the population of Israel are Palestinian Arabs, surely if Israel wanted to commit genocide they would start there and expel those 2 million (as was done in every Arab country post 1948, when every Jew was expelled).

The Israelis are in Gaza to eliminate Hamas, they clearly don’t give a shit about civilian casualties. Just like every other country that has ever waged war.

I’m sure everyone here believes defeating the German fascists and the Japanese fascists was important and justified. Does that mean that everyone also thinks the bombings of Dresden, Toyko, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were all justified. All fo which were deliberate killing of tens of thousands of civilians to force surrender.

War is a nasty business.

Ireland should expel the Israeli ambassador.

PBP etc. do indeed exhibit a double standard, one I exhaustively pointed out at the time Russia invaded Ukraine. But they aren’t in power.

The real power centres of the west - the US, the UK, the EU, all support Israel. So yes, there is a double standard, a massive one. Double standards don’t matter in despotic regimes like Russia or China or Iran. But they do matter if you’re claiming to be the world’s moral arbiter.

We may not have expelled the Russian ambassador. But there is widespread and justified hatred and anger towards Russia still in Irish society. Very few would shed tears if the Russian ambassador was expelled, if it happened it would meet with widespread approval.

South Africa was ostracised from the international community. To the best of my knowledge Ireland did not have an ambassador there and they did not here.

I think this sketch from 1989 is quite pertinent, and things are far worse now than they were then.


Russia was fucked out of football quick smart. It was fucked out of the Eurovision. It was ostracised by the international community economically.

Yet if anybody even broaches any sort of tepid move against Israel in that vein, the predictable smears are immediately rolled out.

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That’s grand so, at least we have your considered view that Ballymurphy, Bloody Sunday, the Dublin and Monaghan bombings and the Miami Showband massacre were just fine and people should permanently shut up about them.

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You’re warming to your theme but they are not the same thing.

Yeah that’s fair

They aren’t quite the same thing but yet they are. Is what Israel is doing in Gaza any less bad than what Russia did in Mariupol?

Where did that statistic come from?

Red C were going door to door in Northern Gaza last week


Dead C is their local subsidiary.

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The likely hostage release deal being mooted is a great thing to see.


Andrew Tate giving a tour de France on Piers Morgan on the Israel situation


Birzeit University in the West bank.

Why is Ireland out of step with the rest of Europe on the Israel/Palestinian question?

The only explanation I have heard is that the rest of Europe were all colonizers at some point and Ireland was colonized, so has empathy for others who were colonized.

This argument is so flawed it questions the myth of Ireland being a well educated population. How the fuck could Israel be colonizers compared to their neighbors in the region? There were only 50K Jews in Palestine (their original homeland) before the Nazis rose to power, the 650k who settled there between 1935 and 1948 were all refugees from Europe, fleeing the holocaust, or Arab countries they were expelled from. They literally fled with only the clothes on their backs and forfeited all their worldly possessions to get to a place where they might be safe from slaughter.

Muslims on the other hand originated in Arabia in the 7thn century and invaded, conquered and colonized all of the Middle East and beyond. Today there are 21 Arab Muslim countires and 55 Muslim majority countries worldwide, a serious bit of colonization.

So if colonization is evil and the source of all inequity, shouldn’t Muslims hand back their colonies to the original inhabitants? Give Kurdistan back to the Kurds, Argeria and Morocco to the Berbers, Eqypt to the Copts, etc. For consistency give the Americas back to the native Americans and Ireland back to the Fir Bolg.

The whole decolonizatoipn argument with respect to Israel is such a load of absolute brain dead bollox.